Colorado and Washington legalize cannabis: what does it actually mean?


Well-Known Member
27 states legalized the consumption of alcohol before the feds ended prohibition.

This track we're on has only one stopping point.

Can I point out that now that Obama doesn't have to win a re-election, this would be the time to end the War on Some Drugs? Despite his old school rhetoric, this has got to be the next right wing social domino to fall, after limiting gay rights.
Now is the time to join the Global Market and create Industrial Hemp exports and jobs. Billions being stepped over to save a few Corps. a couple million.


New Member
Hi im from Canada, and I was also wondering about this..... I think this is good but also can cause more problems if the federal government is just going to keep getting involved. Its ruining us just make it federally legal for fuck sakes LET US GROW
that is exactly why the people in my state vote it down.Laws are already relaxed.The gov't is just foaming at the mouth trying to hone in on the market.Just like the No Cal situation
Who would pass a law that over 1 qz is a felony.Fawk we can have 4 oz and its just a misdemeanor


Active Member
I think you will see CO get a whole lot of tourist traffic now. People in the states will no longer need to travel to Amsterdam to casually enjoy weed, they can just go to CO. Also, I don't know what CO is going to tax weed at but I heard that WA is taxing it at 25%. Once other states see all the revenue associated with this (between taxes and tourism), they're bound to get on board and the federal govt will eventually get their shit together. While the tourism factor will eventually die out as other states adopt legalization there is the long term potential for all sorts of new job creation down the road.


Well-Known Member
I think you will see CO get a whole lot of tourist traffic now. People in the states will no longer need to travel to Amsterdam to casually enjoy weed, they can just go to CO. Also, I don't know what CO is going to tax weed at but I heard that WA is taxing it at 25%. Once other states see all the revenue associated with this (between taxes and tourism), they're bound to get on board and the federal govt will eventually get their shit together. While the tourism factor will eventually die out as other states adopt legalization there is the long term potential for all sorts of new job creation down the road.

well said. i dont understand the mass fear that marijuana seems to cause. however since its gonna be legal (supposedly) in CO and WA it is gonna bring big changes.

all ive been hearing on the news lately is the "fiscal cliff" and it makes me wonder if they are all F**KING retarded or what because its obvious that a legal united states marijuana/hemp industry is the answer. jobs. more room in jails for those who deserve to be there. tourism. the usa will eventually hold its own "cannabis cup" and its gonna be a place to come for everyone from south america to canada because lets face it...for everyone in south america and canada the usa is closer than amsterdam.

my honest opinion. legalized marijuana/hemp industry = the usa becoming one of the richest economies yet again. its perfect. its recession proof. in good times or bad everyone (that smokes) sets aside $$$ for their buds. i think that was proven with medical marijuana sales during these hard economic times. dispensaries were reportedly raising of 2 million in taxes (im talking literally ONE dispensary). its the only way to go. legal marijuana is answer.

things arent getting any better for the country with it being illegal. i think we can all agree on that. i see literally 0 downside to it becoming legal. it deters dealers (who normally sell marijuana) and cartels and if were lucky it may deter the youth from trying booze...instead they may choose marijuana and if thats the case the states will be a much better place to live including less drunk drivers on the road.

idk what we have to do to get this passes but we have to figure it out.

we need organization and need to force the gov't into legalization and thats simple: grow, smoke, spread the word. they cant jail us all!


New Member
I think they make the loopholes and grey areas on purpose.Just so you and your lawyer have a grounds for defense in court.


Active Member
So what has actually changed far as the laws in your state?
The laws here in Arizona are awful and the state is fighting having mmj here. The same argument the state is making for why they can't implement the law is the same exact opposite for the argument made in the courts for sb 1070. They say that since federal law trumps state they can't enforce it. But on the other hand for sb 1070 they argue they can't enforce federal only state laws. A HUGE cluster fuck in this awful sate of mine.


Active Member
I think thete making it like alchol you can buy it in stores from people with licences and things but you get fined if you try to sell it on the street not sure tho