Cold water?


I've heard about res water getting too hot, and I know 60 is the optimal temp but is 50 degree water hurting my plants nutrient uptake?


Well-Known Member
It's not idea, that's for sure. Just a bit to cool and will shock the roots a bit but better too cool than too warm.


Well-Known Member
Just dont do ass my dumbass did,I did res change and used rain water tht was outside and it was Way to cold.

Went back about 20mins later Droop.....Then it hermed on me.It was a F cut so pretty sure the stress from Temp.Differential was the cause.Over a 25 degree drop in the res temp.

Note to self dont bongsmiliebongsmilie and do your your res changes.



Active Member
Though warmer temps might make it easier for algae to grow, IMO 64 to 68 is optimal for growth and anything lower then 62 will slow down your growth. I'm also a firm believer that temps under 60 are for finishing and to try and add some color to your bud. Just my .02's worth. Merry Christmas