Code Red: Cloning today!


Well-Known Member
Ok. I have 8 plants. Count them...1 2 5 8! Out of that I got ONE FEMALE! How bad does that suck? So I am going to start cloning today. I have two questions:

1) Where can I get rooting gel locally? As in what kind of stores would carry it?

2) My plant is done with the first week of flowering. Hence the sex has shown. Can I clone from this plant in the flowering stage? If I putting the cuttings under 24 light will that revert them back to the veg stage? I read online that is was possible but the wording was a little confusing. Is this correct?

I only have limited time so I have to clone immediately. Thanks for all your help.


Well-Known Member
i took my clones 1 week into flowering, aparantly they just take longer to root but 3 out of 4 clones i took, took off well ....

i used some rooting gel but sorry not sure where you could get it from

from what i read the longer you leave it in flowering before taking clone the harder\longer it will take to root so be quick man

edit* i had mine on 24 hour light for a week or so then slowly put them back down but im a noob worked for me...


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that you only got one female. I have some seedlings right now, so I'm praying that I don't have the same luck.

You're probably going to have to go to a hydroponics store to get the gel.

You can take a clone pretty much any time. There is some loss of genetic integrity in the reveging process. I wouldn't really worry about it though. It'll be fine to take clones today or into next week.

24 hours of light will be fine for your clones. That's what mine are under right now.


Well-Known Member
Rooting powder is available at places like Ace Hardware, True Value, Lowe's, Home Depot, Walmart.... In a pinch, I hear willow bark (a soaked tea) is an old-fashioned, natural method. Aspirin may speed root formation, as well as the application of anything with Mycorrhizae (a family of fungi that promote fine-hair root formation, as well as basically act like little nutrient Agents of Chelation.

I just took a bunch of clones over the past two days, a sort of made up method based on "what I have on hand". That being earthworm castings, sand, organic mulch & potting soil, a few peat pots (but not enough, later went to divided toilet paper rolls set on top of the soil mix), Grow More seaweed extract (I think that's the brand), Green Way rooting hormone powder, a tea made of earthworm castings, Super Plant Tonic, & molasses. I mixed up the soil with a bit of mulch, lots of sand ("natural" sand, it says on the bag, fizzes a bit if you add water and vinegar), a couple of fat scoops of earthworm castings, nice and loose.

That went into plastic food trays, they're all I have at the moment. Peat pots went into some, toilet paper rolls cut in half went into another, filled with soil. Holes made in all. Cuttings taken, try to keep track of what's from whom! Trim, dip in seaweed extract diluted according to direx, shake it off, dip in rooting hormone, shake off excess. Place in hole, press soil around for good contact, but be careful so as not to rub off powder.

Adjust moisture of soil, I wanted it "crumbly" and on the moist side. I used more tea, seaweed extract, and... that's it. Went into clear plastic bin. Mist frequently, left open a couple of hours last night to air out (don't want fungus among us, do I?). Both sets of clones seem to be happy, though the ones taken night before last are whitening in the middle. I'm thinking one more day in the bathroom then outside next to the males, that's a dappled shade location that stays cool, but gets filtered sunlight a good part of the day.


Well-Known Member
I found a local hydro store and got rooting gel. I took my lone female and took 7 cuttings from her. She is 15 inches tall so I am hoping that this was not too many cuttings? Does anyone know the number that can be taken at one time? Obviously I hope I don't send my plant into shock. At the same time I would gladly trade the one plant for an army of clones...


Well-Known Member
I could use a little prayer too! I hope these cuttings take! I think I cut one of them too big...leaves might be too much without a root system to sustain it. Basically has three nodes.


Active Member
If it has big leaves just cut each finger on the big leaves in half with a sharp pair of scissors this will help it.


Active Member
I've done this with some bigger clones and it seems to stop them wilting too much in the beginning but i'm no expert.