Coco update day 5 dosi x Doho #cannarado


Well-Known Member
Day 5 I’ve been feeding half strength nutrients once a day around 400ppm ph to 6.0
run off usually is around 200ppm
ph give or take 6.1- haven’t scene it higher than 6.17

tent never gets higher than about 81 usually stays around 78 but Colorado been hot this go around in 90’s some days I keep humidity around 70 fan blowing from above I have an Agro bright 2ft 4bar above the seedlings once thier a full week was going to put them under led and when my chilled x6 gets in they will be moved to my 4x4 tent for thee remainder I’m hoping to get a perpetual cycle going any tips tricks on what I’m doing appreciated and anything wrong I’m doing is just as much appreciated hope I’m on track as far as growth and development at this stage and healthy most importantly



Well-Known Member
Day 8 update
Dosi x doho
Had a power outage last night and they went without light well had an Lil led from dollar store kept halfway lit hopefully didn’t set them back other than that seams like thier doing great they look decent for day 8

