CO2 use?????


Active Member
At only 800 PPMs of CO2 you will be fine to run that 24/7. It's only about double the amount of CO2 in an outdoor environment. Just don't go above 2000 for an extended period of time, but I don't think you will have that problem.
I have thought about that whenever someone tries to sell me an exhale bag. Dunno if those things only produce co2 when there is light present or what, I suppose that's possible but I dunno, I think the bag probably produces co2 night and day. of course there would be simple workarounds for that problem too.
I tried these bags recently off a website called that was basically like a self activating Exhale or like you basically buy it and then activate the mushrooms and then they grow and make co2. It expires faster but i guess the faster the fungi grows the more co2 it makes???? I guess you can even grow edible mushrooms too though I haven'y got that far with mine. I placed an order and they doubled my order without notice for free just cause I was a new customer or something and now I'm rocking 4 bags in my 8 x 8 tent and I have one of those autopilot meeters and it hovers between 800 and 1200 when the lights are on. I never even thought of checking at night.. It would be great to maybe figure a way to contain the gas durring lights out and then put it in when its needed.

when i first activated them I thought they were junk because they didn't seem to be doing anything, but i just set them on a shelf and then like a week later i noticed they were growing white stuff here and there so I tested them at the filters and WOW.. so I slammed those puppies back into the tent. I almost threw them out I'm glad I didn't though,.. Not sure if they will actually make mushrooms but I will report back. As far as CO2, they make it no doubt. I had used a Exhale but it came like a big white brick and a buddy of mine works at the farmers market and he said that is when they are done making CO2 which seems to be the idea this company is putting out?? Anyone out here know anything about mushrooms and co2?? The website says Oyster Mushrooms?? Anyone ever eat these?

anyways my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Considering most here grow in smaller areas the home made co2 is a great cheap addition to your grows...24 hour co2 is also not an issue at what these home brew kits produce...the thing I would add to the mix is multivitamins...yeast needs a constant source of food and a couple vitamins work perfect...this is worth it for the small amount of money invested...