CO2 Questions


Active Member
is co2 used for vedg, flower, or both?
also iv heard of mixing suguar, yeast, and warm water to create co2 is this true? im fairly new to indoor growing only grow under lights 3 times and do not want to buy co2 tanks fittings and time release shit.


Well-Known Member
if this is your first grow i woud not use co2 - KISS. there are several do it yourself co2 solutions if you insist - search co2 as a tag and you should find a bunch of threads on it.

for most growing situations co2 is a luxury option. if you have an intake into the room you are going to get as much co2 as in the atmosphere. enhance co2 above the level of the atmosphere can increase yields when you;ve done the basics right. do the basices wrong and you won't get anything. focus on the basics until you have the nailed.

if you;ve done bunches of grows without co2 then by all means give it a try.