Co2 and Temps


Well-Known Member
I just started running CO2 this grow, and things seem to be going fairly well. I know the plants need higher temps to use the Co2, but my question is, is my cab getting too hot.

My plants get 6 Co2 injections a day, for 30min of enrichment at a time. During their enrichment period, sometimes it ends up close to 96degrees. They are only above 90 for like 10 or 15 min at a time, and usually get the temps back to around 85 fairly quick.

Is this 96 degrees too hot? Should I reduce the enrichment time to closer to 15min so the temps stay closer to 90degrees at their peak?

Thanks for the help.


Active Member
I just started running CO2 this grow, and things seem to be going fairly well. I know the plants need higher temps to use the Co2, but my question is, is my cab getting too hot.

My plants get 6 Co2 injections a day, for 30min of enrichment at a time. During their enrichment period, sometimes it ends up close to 96degrees. They are only above 90 for like 10 or 15 min at a time, and usually get the temps back to around 85 fairly quick.

Is this 96 degrees too hot? Should I reduce the enrichment time to closer to 15min so the temps stay closer to 90degrees at their peak?

Thanks for the help.
Co2 can do more harm than good in some cases. Your current co2 application is way too much! You can kill the roots with too much co2 and the plants absorb alot of energy when co2'd that much. How are you applying co2? what medium are you using?

if your box is 75 degrees you can give it 5 miniutes of co2 every hour. Always keeping a steady ppm of co2 in the air will maxamize your yeild greatly. I dont co2 in veg, it makes the stalks too flimmsey durring flowering. co2 in flower at that rate and temp you will see the best results. if you cant get your box down to 75 degrees you will have to drop you co2 regimen bedcause it will be absorbed more quicker! plants do absorb co2 at higher temps but can absorb at 75-85 the extra co2 injedcted throughout the day is better than 1 big co2 job a day.

its always a battle trying tyo keep the room cool. if at 85 degrees do one 10 min shot when lights come on and one 10 min shot before lights go out.

Its hard to cool a grow room after massive amounts of co2 are applyed. and will stress your plants. best bet is to get a complete kit at a hydrostore that has a can, regulator, meter, a self automated systemthat keeps the ppm at the proper rate. Rember co2 can kill you!!!!! And can kill your plants!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I do it have it on a co2 system. It only injects Co2 the first 4min of the fans off cycle, the other 26min is the plants sitting in the the Co2 enriched cab. I used a co2 calculator to figure out how long to have the co2 on for. I have it so it gets my cab up to 1500 ppm.

Plants need higher temps for the Co2 to be beneficial. At 75 degrees, the plants wont use it to it full potential. I am purposly running my cab at 85-90 degrees for this reason. My question is, is the 96 degrees too hot? I can cool it back down to under 90 in about 10min, and down to about 86 in another 30min.

The cooling is not an issue. I am wondering about the temps at 96degrees. Should I shorten my enrichment period to keep my temps under say 92 degrees? Or is the 96 degrees for 10 min ok?

I know for a fact that the amount of Co2 I am giving them is not too much. You can keep the cab at 1500ppm all day if its possible. Mine is only staying at this level for 30min at a time. Then it is all exhausted, the cab cools back down, and an hour and half later, its time for more Co2.

So, anybody have any ideas about these temps? Are they too high? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Don't let him freak you out, 95 is an alright temp. It'd be better around 90, i stay around 80-85 and 1500ppm is good, no worries.

He didn't know you had a controller i guess?


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks. That is what I was figuring, and since its only for a short period of time, like 10min out of every 1 1/2 hrs that its that hot, it shouldn't be problem. I may shorten up the fans off time to like 20min to keep it closer to like 92degrees. Thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
I realize that, but my temps get up to like 95-96 degrees after 1/2 hour with the exhaust off. So there is no way I can run it at 1500ppm all the time. Plus I can't afford the Co2 monitor that will tell me what ppms are in the cab. I just use the old school timer method and give it 6 injections a day. I have had a massive stretch this run compared to any of the grows I had in the last 3yrs, so it seems to be working. I just wanted to get it to optimum.


Active Member
you will see plant stress at those temps for a long period or all day. 1500 ppm is good but temps like that curl your plants from heat stress. The steady flow of co2 at 75 is the best way. 1500 ppm at 90-95 all day is a disaster waiting to happen. and no ventalation means co2 lingers in your roots and strangles them. best of luck dude!


Active Member
Don't let him freak you out, 95 is an alright temp. It'd be better around 90, i stay around 80-85 and 1500ppm is good, no worries.

He didn't know you had a controller i guess?
how many plant shave you grown out like that? I would like to see indica sativas hybrids last in that heat for that long co2'd to death, unless your growing some reg or swag from mexico, they can survive that kind of heat. can anyone else chime in on this one???? you want real answers or some hypo-made up shit?


Well-Known Member
I said you CAN not i do, if you read my post i run at 80 degrees. One of my buddies rages some powerplant at 95-110 degrees in hydro with water chillers. There are many ways to grow, his weed isn't that great, but he doesn't smoke and it's really huge dense and profitable.


Well-Known Member
It looks as though nobody is actually reading my original post. Other than Norml.

The plants are not at 90-95 degrees all day. They are at 95 degrees for about 10 mins, then its down to about 85 when the exhaust kicks on which gets rid of the Co2 and cools the cab to a managable temp. Running temps at 85degrees has never been a problem for me. Check out the pics in my sig. I always run 80-85 without Co2. This is my first run with Co2, so I am letting it sit at 85-90.

The plants need the higher temps to use the Co2. The stomata must open wider, which is what happens when the temps are higher. THis is why you go through more water when its hot, more transpiration. Running your temps at 75 with Co2 is not a good thing to do. It needs more heat to open up the "pores" that absorb Co2. I am not a moron, I have a degree in horticulture, and have been growing for just over 3yrs.

THere is tons of ventilation in my cab, not only 2 circulation fans, but my 465cfm blower for exhaust, my passive intakes, and a 130cfm intake fan. My plants are not sitting at 90-95 degrees. They are at 85degrees most of the time. Just during the enrichment period they get up to 95 degrees for about 10min. So this is about an hour a day with the 6 injections, but busted up over a 12hr period. Not too much time to be at 95 degrees. And the fact that they need to be upwards of 85-90 when the Co2 is on, makes me think this isn't too bad.

Like I said, check out the pics in my sig. You will see what running at 80-85 degrees without Co2 can do. And if you follow along with the grow log there, you will see how plants do running at 85-90 degrees with spikes upto 95 degrees for 10 min at a time.


Active Member
I said you CAN not i do, if you read my post i run at 80 degrees. One of my buddies rages some powerplant at 95-110 degrees in hydro with water chillers. There are many ways to grow, his weed isn't that great, but he doesn't smoke and it's really huge dense and profitable.
whats more retard? the shit you say, or the plants you grow? 110 huh? lol blow that smoke up another ass. you think you know everything about weed? why you asking stupid questions? Dude who started the thread dont listen to dudes like that he will kill your plants


Well-Known Member
I am not going to run my temps any where near 110 degrees. I have actually shortened the fans off time to 20min to keep the temps a little lower. They are getting up to 92 degrees now. Some of the time, depending on how recently the A/C was on, the temps only get up to like 88 or 89 with the fans off. It kind of just depends the A/C timing.
My thermometer is in a new spot in this cab also. In all my other cabs, I had the thermometer hanging on a wall. This time I think it is getting a lot of the radiant heat from the bulb. When I move the thermometer out of the direct light and hang it on a wall, my temps are closer to 82 when it says 86 under the light, and doesn't even get up to 90 when the fans are off. I think I'm going to add another thermometer and go by an average of both of them. I figure the one of the wall is a better measure of the air temps which is what we are concerned about.


Well-Known Member
Nice choice for a degree, Everything sounds good, 85 is a good running temp, i can't believe this growordie guy! What an ass.

THANK YOU Dr. Dankenstein, i'm getting tired of people being dicks. I'd +rep if i could.

Hey growwordie, YOU are wrong!

"Co2 can kill you!!!!... Co2 can kill your plants!!!!... 75 degrees is perfect for co2..."

What an idiot!


Well-Known Member
whats more retard? the shit you say, or the plants you grow? 110 huh? lol blow that smoke up another ass. you think you know everything about weed? why you asking stupid questions? Dude who started the thread dont listen to dudes like that he will kill your plants
Questions answered in order:
You, the shit YOU say, No but I know an awful lot more than you, i haven't asked a single question?!?

I'll kill his plant's just like 1500 ppms of co2 enrichment at 85 degrees, your an idiot go back to playing with your Barbie dolls.:I


Well-Known Member
It looks as though nobody is actually reading my original post. Other than Norml.

The plants are not at 90-95 degrees all day. They are at 95 degrees for about 10 mins, then its down to about 85 when the exhaust kicks on which gets rid of the Co2 and cools the cab to a managable temp. Running temps at 85degrees has never been a problem for me. Check out the pics in my sig. I always run 80-85 without Co2. This is my first run with Co2, so I am letting it sit at 85-90.

The plants need the higher temps to use the Co2. The stomata must open wider, which is what happens when the temps are higher. THis is why you go through more water when its hot, more transpiration. Running your temps at 75 with Co2 is not a good thing to do. It needs more heat to open up the "pores" that absorb Co2. I am not a moron, I have a degree in horticulture, and have been growing for just over 3yrs.

THere is tons of ventilation in my cab, not only 2 circulation fans, but my 465cfm blower for exhaust, my passive intakes, and a 130cfm intake fan. My plants are not sitting at 90-95 degrees. They are at 85degrees most of the time. Just during the enrichment period they get up to 95 degrees for about 10min. So this is about an hour a day with the 6 injections, but busted up over a 12hr period. Not too much time to be at 95 degrees. And the fact that they need to be upwards of 85-90 when the Co2 is on, makes me think this isn't too bad.

Like I said, check out the pics in my sig. You will see what running at 80-85 degrees without Co2 can do. And if you follow along with the grow log there, you will see how plants do running at 85-90 degrees with spikes upto 95 degrees for 10 min at a time.
Hi mate, I have learned that 80-85 is good maintained. The key here is maintained, it takes about 2 hours for the metabolism to speed up. I worry that your short bursts will accomplish little in the bigger scheme of things.
The plant my be able to deal with a little higher temps with the co2 but the rest of your environment is going to go to shits :( so we try to find a 'healthy' balance.
I think a 'sealed controlled' environment is a must for enriched co2 to work properly. If not, we are way better off with great ventilation.

Keep in mind that at the high temps your buds will be very airy if the co2 is not present for long periods of time i.e. only short bursts of co2.

Good luck mate,


Well-Known Member
Thats the thing, the temps only bump to 90-95 degrees during the Co2 enrichment period. These are now 20min each. At the beginning of the enrichment period, the cab is at like 85 degrees, and by the time the exhuast kicks back on, it is up to 90-95 degrees. So you figure if its going up 10 degrees total, and its doing it in 20min, then a good average would be about 1/2 a degree per min. That means that after the first 10 min, the cab is only up to about 90 which is fine with the Co2, and only sitting at 95 for another 10min. Once my exhaust kicks on, the cab cools to 90 in about 10 min, and in about 30 min is back down to 85.
I know that the Co2 is being absorbed by the plants in only 20min, not as much as if it were sealed and was always at 1500ppm, but it is absorbing it during that 20min. If the high temps you are talking about is 85degrees, I haven't had a problem with those temps for 3yrs, and my buds are not airy by any means. We will see if the Co2 helps. This grow I won't really be able to tell much, simply because I am growing a couple of new strains. But next round, I will have a comparison with my old "go to" strains.
The first injection that it gets is right when the lights come on, and this period is actually for an hour with out the exhaust on. Then after this one, they are all 20min. So I think that first long session, added with the shorter ones will definetly help. I am stoned as shit right now off my papaya, so I'm sure this is going to be a rambling post that makes no sense, but oh well.
Thanks for all you replies.


Well-Known Member
I just started running CO2 this grow, and things seem to be going fairly well. I know the plants need higher temps to use the Co2, but my question is, is my cab getting too hot.

My plants get 6 Co2 injections a day, for 30min of enrichment at a time. During their enrichment period, sometimes it ends up close to 96degrees. They are only above 90 for like 10 or 15 min at a time, and usually get the temps back to around 85 fairly quick.

Is this 96 degrees too hot? Should I reduce the enrichment time to closer to 15min so the temps stay closer to 90degrees at their peak?

Thanks for the help.
I myself try not to have temperatures exceed 85 for long periods of time for at above that temperature stunting or cease of growth can occur. CO2 enrichment should be done when the lights have been on for at least an hour ensuring the stomata are open to receive your treatment. Hopefully, you are using a meter to measure your CO2 ppm levels. Plants are good with a range not exceeding 2,000 ppm daily.