CO politicians want to pass laws that will shut down MMJ small business

In Colorado, we just went from being very pot-friendly to being reefer-madness type fascists, and I'm a little aggrivated to say the least. Crazy Colorado politicians (many of whom absolutely refuse to listen to public comment) are trying to impliment two new laws that, if passed, will have the following effects;
-Creating a License review board that is a division of the Department of Revenue, not the Department of Health.
-Creating a new police force for the specific task of weekly inspecting all dispensaries to check weights of product, patient lists, etc. They have been dubbed "auditors with guns" by proponents, which clearly illustrates that they do not accept Marijuana as Medicine because they view dispensaries as criminal drug dealers.
-Requiring private caregivers like myself to give up our fifth ammendment rights.
-Allowing access to the confidential MMJ Registry for law enforcement. This is supposedly to check up on doctors who give 'suspicious recommendations'. Something else that's supposed to be monitored by the Board of Health, not Law Enforcement. In addition to this nonsense, the Registry will still not be available after hours, so if the police 'have to check your card' after 5 o'clock, get ready to go to jail.
-Adding an annual fee for dispensaries 'in the area of $50,000'. This would bankrupt any of the dispensaries I know and love, and therefore, some giant corporation like Phillip Morris or maybe Coors will step in, grow the fastest flowering varieties in the cheapest way possible, creating a Weed Wal-Mart with bad medicine. This will drive the Marijuana business back underground, because people know what good product is, and they will continue to seek it out. So overall, all legal weed would be crap, and all good weed will go back up in price, which will also not be taxed. Really stupid move by a bunch of fear-mongers that still think pot is evil.
-Raising both the initial and annual cost of having a license, making MMJ less accessable to people who need it.
Oy. I know there's a lot more to complain about within these two bills, HB1284 and SB109, but I cannot continue because politics literally makes me sick. I need some medicine. Check this link for details;
-Mile High Medicine Man.


Well-Known Member
yuck.. it will never pass i think.. they can propose anything - Newt Gingrich once proposed canings and execution for marijuana smugglers..