CO 2012 commercial


Well-Known Member
thanks for that link...

good site.

good to know people are actually starting to realize that we 'pot heads' or 'losers' are actually RIGHT and have been right all along about how cannabis is indeed not a bad thing.

its good to know that even people that don't necessarily smoke or even like pot.. its good to know that even some of those stereotypes are beginning to find out that cannabis isn't such a bad thing... and its not what the media/government has made it out to be.. which is that its a terrible "drug" that only leads to heavier and harder drugs.. which is also completely false.

It's just good to see that more and more people each day are starting to realize that cannabis and the people that smoke cannabis are not bad! Keep heading in this positive direction, and I'll tell ya.. it will only be a matter of time before cannabis gets the credit and positive attention that it has for so long deserved.

It's just a good feeling... :)



legalize it and save whats left of the economy in our state
and set an example of how it can be done in other states.
i think its a real possibility if commercials like this are showing positive feedback.
its all up to us (the people) now.