CNN special "America’s High: The case for and against pot"


Well-Known Member
thanks brotha, i'm tuning in forsure...should be good, i saw a great debate on anderson cooper's show before, had some smuck old DEA guy goin against this awesome professor at Harvard...i've got something for you to watch now, you can find it for free on google video, bout 50 minutes long, it's called, "should i smoke dope?" it's fucking cool, pretty much the british version of Super High Me, very funny...:bigjoint:



Thanks. I actually caught "should i smoke dope?" on the BBC but thanks for the heads up as I'm sure others haven't seen it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I actually caught "should i smoke dope?" on the BBC but thanks for the heads up as I'm sure others haven't seen it.
ah, no problem live across the pond?? i've never been, always wanted to visit, one day...hmm, how bout this, you seen it, HIGH: The true tale of american marijuana..?? also another goodie, tons of great facts that'll make ya sick...i just hate the fucking government and pigs...


Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
man what the fuck....when you click on the link...the basic summary seems already fuckin biased against it, it says "is there a case for legalization?" if there arent 100 reasons we should legalize it, man what cant people understand....anyways, its prolly gonna be a shitload of propaganda even though its cnn, they apperently got some cunt on there that is gonna explain how weed is addictive and nearly killed her....LAUGHING MY ASS OFFFFFF!


Well-Known Member
it took me like 2 hours best one.

ha ha,

free terminator.

ask for part 2 later.
hahha, come on bro, give it matter, heard it was a shitty fucking movie anyway...i hate people like you, why not share everything, i guess it makes losers feel like their better than somebody!


"ah, no problem live across the pond?? i've never been, always wanted to visit, one day...hmm, how bout this, you seen it, HIGH: The true tale of american marijuana..?? also another goodie, tons of great facts that'll make ya sick...i just hate the fucking government and pigs..."

I'll give it a watch. Across the pond? Nope, here in N. Cali. I get the BBC on my satellite.


Well-Known Member
fuck you dickwad.


haha, i was just playing man...thanks for the link...i thought you were one of those kids for a sec, but you're awesome!! and gulp, i'm in South Florida, so you might as well be across the pond, it's like a different fucking planet in cali, and i love it...i wanna move to oregon some day....i'm wayyy to baked on hash! i love you all and thanks again for terminator bro..:bigjoint:
I'm watching this Should I Smoke Dope? documentary and I absolutely hate it! I'm about halfway through, and I'm just getting increasingly offended. So far it's pretty much anti-pot bullshit! They're just LYING!