amelia bedelia

Active Member
hahahahahahahahaha oh man i'm watching CNBC. WHY?! because this show - - MARIJUANA INC: INSIDE AMERICA'S POT INDUSTRY is pretty funny. this place they're at right now is called potter's valley!!! POTTER'S VALLEY i would so live there! i...i can't decide if i am impressed or disgusted by this show hahahaha. it's like, i hate to love it and love to hate it! it's awesome and awful at the same time! i want to have this show on like dvd so i can watch it while i toke up. that would be immensely enjoyable. i'm also waiting to see if this show is one-sided (as in everyone they interview is ANTI-weed) or if they intend for this to be REAL journalism and will argue both sides. apparently growing pot is bad for the environment! did you know that growing a plant that grows naturally in nature is bad for nature?! AMAZING! america, let me solve all your problems: let everybody who wants to smoke weed grow their own. that will eliminate this crazy environmentally harmful mass production of PLANTLIFE and there won't have to be drug dealers and GUNSHOTS! and money troubles. everyone has their own free, homegrown weedbabies and all y'all can stop crying about it. fifteen-year-olds are throwing babies into dumpsters and murder and rape is happening and families are starving WORLDWIDE but america is worried because plants are bad.

dude i want to go to california to attend OAKSTERDAM UNIVERSITY, the school of pot! holy damn! okay so this show is better now that it isn't a bunch of old guys with southern accents preaching about the law. i imagine it will return to the don't-do-drugs stand, though. but ah well. it happens!


Active Member
I actually really like this show. It takes a pretty unbiased look at the world of weed. And no, it does not say growing weed ruins the environment. Its saying all the outdoor growers who use diesel generators bring containers upon containers of diesel out into the woods and then leave em there along with all there other garbage when the grow is complete. That is whats ruining the environment, not the plant.

And this show is not biased to either side. They take a true documentary style approach. They show both sides opinion fairly. The reason the show is called Marijuana inc. is because theyre looking into how this illegal substance became one of the largest cash crops in the US (and the world for that matter).

And while were on the subject, I want weed to be legal just as much as the next guy. But the plain and simple fact is that it just cant happen. Since it has been positioned as such a large cash crop, the economy would sink if it were to be legal. That is why it is not. The govt cant control or regulate it in any way cuz it is so easy to grow. So they make it illegal to drive the price up and make money off the black market. Everything, and I mean everything boils down to money. They can make more money from it being illegal than legal, so our precious herb will always have the stigma that comes along with it.

Just my Two Cents.


Well-Known Member
hey, check this out. if it was legalized, you would probably still not be able to grow it anyway! take tobacco for instance, it is illegal to grow tobacco(at least here in PA,U.S.) farmers have to have a special liscense to grow it. hate to say it, i think toasterblt is right, it ain't gonna happen. at least not in the free for all anybody can grow anywhere sense. you would probably have alot of farmers putting out shitty product until they dialed in grow specifics. what about cold climates or areas that don't have weather permitting mj grow? it would be shipped in from some other crappy grower from far away and be more expensive than if it was local grown. who knows, there is the potentiallity of farming indoors commercially as well. dare to dream!

amelia bedelia

Active Member
And no, it does not say growing weed ruins the environment. Its saying all the outdoor growers who use diesel generators bring containers upon containers of diesel out into the woods and then leave em there along with all there other garbage when the grow is complete. That is whats ruining the environment, not the plant.
i know that it's the mass-production approach (the kind that uses gobbletygook like diesel in order to ensure a large crop) that is killing the enviroment, not the actual weed, but some of the interviewees sounded as though they wanted the world to believe that weed is killing the planet, not the stupid way in which folks are growing.

Since it has been positioned as such a large cash crop, the economy would sink if it were to be legal. That is why it is not. The govt cant control or regulate it in any way cuz it is so easy to grow. So they make it illegal to drive the price up and make money off the black market. Everything, and I mean everything boils down to money. They can make more money from it being illegal than legal, so our precious herb will always have the stigma that comes along with it.
yes. and that is wrong. or at least just messed up. if the phrase "corrupt government" weren't such a cliche i'd be throwing it all over the place.