cnbc marijauna inc


Well-Known Member
in rotation on cnbc. 60 minute special.i enjoyed it and thought it to be very fair.recommend ya-all take a look.peace:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
naw man, that show sucked ass, and had a lot of propaganda, the dea guy called it poison, they said we all had guns, etc etc...totally biased


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I hate when people stereotype most drug users man.. but thanks for the link.


Active Member
i like how they call pot narcotics and the bitch doing the interviews makes it sound like someones cooking meth when describing the process of "making" marijuana...

oh yeah and "this is a typical pot garden" LOL yeah everyone i know who grows bud has 19 foot plants and harvests pounds at a time...


Well-Known Member
Someone really needs to school the Media on the difference between Commercial/gang funded pot growers and Personal pot growers.

There is a HUGE fucking difference between some gangsters running a grow show to fund their gang/lifestyle, and someone growing because they dont Want their money going to those same gangsters.

Not everyone who grows is a gun wielding gangster with ties to organized crime...:roll:

If anything Cops, Governments and Media should be SUPPORTING more small time growers. After a while the big time Commercial growers wouldnt be able to make enough money growing pot for it to be worth it.



Well-Known Member
Someone really needs to school the Media on the difference between Commercial/gang funded pot growers and Personal pot growers.

There is a HUGE fucking difference between some gangsters running a grow show to fund their gang/lifestyle, and someone growing because they dont Want their money going to those same gangsters.

Not everyone who grows is a gun wielding gangster with ties to organized crime...:roll:

If anything Cops, Governments and Media should be SUPPORTING more small time growers. After a while the big time Commercial growers wouldnt be able to make enough money growing pot for it to be worth it.

does everyone understand that it was a national news org. how did you think it was going to be was called marijauna inc!!i dont want to live next store to someone running commercial genarator and dumping chems into ground.alot of it was fair,no one here is going too listen to dea spin and enjoy it.
i thought there was some good in it also,thats all


Well-Known Member
I just enjoyed looking at massive marijuana plants. I ignore what they say because personally i dont care.


Well-Known Member
I just enjoyed looking at massive marijuana plants. I ignore what they say because personally i dont care.
seems as though some peeps get a lil overworked.ahmen bruddah.i thought there was good-bad in piece,of course it sure wasnt slanted towards our-accspectance of the beloved herb.for main stream media what the hey.:-P

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
the sherrif in the town where michael phelps hit a bong, is trying to charge phelps...yeah so, the acceptance of it is different everywhere, but in general, there still is a giant misconseption of weed everywhere. so when they say things that make it seem negative at all, it justifies all the other viewers opinions that think its bad and have a reefer madness opinion of it still....everyone on RUI is probably completely enlightened, and realizes just how harmless and great weed is...for EVERYTHING lol that should be the general of opinion for weed, its behind like 40 years, so thats why most of us...get very passionate about the truth of the plant.