Club 600 NFL 2013


Well-Known Member
im glad there ant no LIKE

we had to many lame as players for him,on the real.


Well-Known Member
feeliing good today.............[video=youtube;XodTwhof-40][/video]


Well-Known Member
Today is the day. I can still remember watching the Broncos win their first Superbowl. I was at my parents with some friends, we had airhorns and I was wearing the john elway signed helmet I own like a dumbass lol.

Old man quarterback? Yeah that's what we do. Yall can keep your young guy. He might be a superbowl winner someday. But today is a day for the men. Not the boys. Hit us up in a few years... might have better luck. Of course in a few years we'll have andrew luck in his twilight and rip the league up again.

Hope almost everyone has a good day... enjoy the show. :)


Well-Known Member
:) Gonna be a super bowl champs tie being worn by the broncos owner in his fancy suit. :) So yeah, there will be a tie. haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah buddy! ^^ Love me some crawfish :-)

I wanna see Peyton bring one home before he retires,,, and looks like today is his best chance! Gonna be a good game hopefully.