Closet setup?


Active Member
Never tried growing before but it's starting to seem more and more reasonable right now. I don't have any space to set up except my closet which is about 3 by 3 1/2 feet. I've been smoking for a while now, I'm pretty familiar with different strains, and I'm familiar with the process and I've read the thread here. I don't want to grow a lot, probably just one plant, but I have a lot of questions to go with it.

1) First of all, is this at all doable? Again, the closet is 3' by 3.5' (it's maybe 8 feet high, which I assume is high enough), and it's got a window with a shutter which I can just tape up to completely seal off any light. It's connected to my room, which is about 11' by 11', which has two 100w fluorescent light bulbs and an adjustable thermostat (and right now, an AC, but I'll probably be taking it out soon for winter). The door connecting the two rooms is a two part folding door (like this one), and each half is about 1' wide (so, 2' total). It has blinds covering the top half, exactly the picture, but only for the top half and the bottom is solid. I can seal this if it's necessary too.

2a) Beyond this, if the answer to the last question is yes, what else do I need to get? I have several outlets that I can run into my closet since there's about a half inch underneath it (and even if I tape up the perimeter I can still poke a hole and run the cable/s through). What lights should I use for just one plant? I can get pots, soil, nutrients, water, and whatever else obviously pretty easily, but the light could be tricky.

2b) I'm not really worried about bugs. We had mice earlier and had exterminators come, and we had them spray for bugs too. This was earlier in June and the only bugs I've seen on this floor (the second) are two (medium sized) spiders of different breeds at different points in the summer in our bathroom, aside from several spiders in our basement. It's been probably six months since I saw any bugs of any sort in this room or in my closet, but sort of precautions do I want to take for this anyway?

3) How do I keep this stealthy? I live with other people and I don't plant to tell them about this, so I need to be able to eliminate odor and keep from arousing suspicion. I hear charcoal works pretty well, so I figure I'll just throw in a bag of charcoal chips or something?

4) So, keeping all of the other questions in mind, if someone could help me tally a list of things I need to buy and possibly a price, I would be really happy. I have a small budget (about $100) and no job, but I can find money if needed. A suggestion for a setup would be really helpful too, but I probably won't have too much trouble figuring that out myself.

Thanks in advance.