Closet Grow 125watt CFL


Active Member
Day 10 Of closet Grow 125watt plus 2 100 watt CFL I believe they are above 2700k but not sure exatly what they are the 125watt is 6000k. I have 2 seeds going right now that are strain oasis a blueberry cross. I will get pictures as soon as the lights go on. Right now i have them at an 18 6 light scheduale and was wondering if anyone had any info on how long the dark is really needed or important in the early stages of my babies. Also Right now i am duing nutes every 3rd day the other days are straight water and only water everytime the frist layers of dirt are dry. The NUTES right now are
Flourious ( 1-0.7-0.6)
Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1)
Flora Nova(7-4-10)
The Soil is a Mix of
EarthWorm Compost



Well-Known Member
Your temp indicates 90+degress F, that is WAY to high as well as your RH is too low. Try adding a wet towel and some better ventilation and I am sure your plants will take off. Mine are 20 days and 5x that big. Try to get your temps down to 75-80 degrees.


Well-Known Member
I would just hang a wet towel near an oscillating fan, it raised RH in my closet 10%, try to get some exhaust but they look much better!
i used bio bizz all mix soil and a 125 watt cfl and barneys farm red cherry berry ill b posting when its down they smell amazing trust me lads