Closet, First Grow(Open to comments)


Well-Known Member
Nice bro i love that idea of the lights like that. If i take the cups off the fan will blow the plants over any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
The fan blowing on the plants will help strenghten the stems. The reason my cups are only half full is that if/when they stretch, I just add more soil to bury them to their necks.


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of the underside of my light panel before I added the splitters and the lights. The sockets were $1.39 each, the extension cord was .99, the plastic chain I used to hang it was $6.99 and the wire nuts and screws were just laying around.



Well-Known Member
although i don't think ill use it i still love it solstice. I just took all the clear cups off and the raised the fan a bit and its not completely knocking over the plants.


Well-Known Member
When they need it. In those little cups half full of soil, maybe once a day. I check them all at lunch time and after dinner. They get an ounce of water at a time. An ounce goes a long way in those little cups. When they dry out, they get another ounce. I weigh the cups to determine when to water. After the first transplant, I use instinct coupled with a water meter. More on the instinct side, though.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
That looks a lot better to me. I might have to search around a bit but back when I was looking to add light to my grow I found a place that was selling just a ballast, socket, and bulb combo for $85... But 400 watt!! There's no reflector but you can just hang it vertically like you were talking about.


Well-Known Member
You said that you were growing in "garden soil". Exactly what kind would that be? I could be wrong, but I see hints of time-release nutes in that soil.


Well-Known Member
the yellow pellets are already crushed they were in the compost pile so just used that,.. but is the leafs sposed to be pointing up like that?