closet cfl veg


Active Member
these clones have been veggin for 4 weeks and are a week from going to a 600 hps and a 400 hps. the skinnier ones are an ak/cherry and the fattys are bubbas. the ak's have been fim'd and tied n fim'd but now im just gonna keep training. any input would b greatly appreciated



Active Member
does anybody have any tips on how to make the fim'd branchy plants fiill out or is it the strain? how do u think they look to drop in 12/12? any help would be the shite!


Well-Known Member
i use cfls also and i love them....a few tips i have are....

with cfls you can put em all over"sides bottom right up top....if u light from diffrent angles u will have much nicer fuller buds...i have mine set up with 3 300 watt cfls up top and 100 watters running all along the sides...really helps with cfls becuase only the main cola will be super if u only top light...remeber cfls should be 3 inches off the plants


Active Member
they are about to hit hid in 1 week...i got 2 40 wt floro 12 23 watt cfl 1600 lumensthanx 4 responses


Well-Known Member
if your space it limited .. i would 12/12/ right now ........plants will still grow like another foot while in the transit from veg to flower mode...... looks good ..... cut some clones before you go 12/12


Well-Known Member
I would definitely go to flower ASAP.

You should be alright with the height seeing as you'll be running 1000w total but I would consider doing a few more plants at shorter heights because the lower branches are going to have shabby yields due to the lack of penetration 400w and 600w HID lights have.

The reason for the spindly branches is lack of light. Regular CFLs for vegging is GREAT but is only enough for so long.

I use 2 45w el-chepo 61k CFLs for clippings and leave them in the propagator for about a week.
Then onto 1 250w MH, that the Mums are allways under for Veg about 1-2 weeks, this time I determin by the number of leaf sets present.

I have a 400w HPS so I move to flower at about 4 to 6 leaf sets, this keeps the height of the finnished plants to about 1-2 feet.

The effective distance of the 400w is my limiting factor as it will be yours. At 600w you will have an effective lighting distance of around 4 feet so your ending harvest height should be around 2.5-3.5 feet depending on your light cooling situation.