Closet CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
These are my babies at 12 days in, the sprout is a few days behind obviously. It is just some regular bag seeds, hoping to get at least 1 female outa the 3 I planted.

Soil is Gardners Gold
No nutes yet (about when should I start)
Water a little bit every day but not enough to overwater. Water is tap water thats been sitting out a few days.

6 26 watt cfls
2 32 watt cfls
1 40 watt cfls
1 45 watt cfl

Plant A -

Plant B -

Sprout -


Well-Known Member
they look good - seem to have a good amount of light as they're not stretching.

also, start with 1/4 of the recommended 'dose' of nutrients and use every second watering and possibly build up to 1/2 strength, or just stick with 1/4 strength throughout the whole veg.

are you PH testing the water you're giving them? If not, I'd recommend doing it when you start feeding them nutes, because too high or too low PH will affect the plants' ability to absorb nutrients.


Well-Known Member
thanks for checking out my grow guys, ok cool im just starting to read up about nutes and such. In the next week or so I plan to goto the hydro store and grab some fox farm nutes. The two bigger plants seem as if in the next few days they are going to explode with a ton more leaves. Im already getting very excited :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
the more you read the more likely you are to have a successful grow! :)

make sure you update us with some pics.


Well-Known Member
What up guys, day 13 is here and the plants seem to be doing well. The sprouts leaves are a little droopy so I think I may have overwatered. Im gonna let it dry out for day or two and see if its leaves perk up a bit.

I took a picture of one of my plants, well two pictures actually. I dont know how visible it is in the picture, but there is 6 new leaves growing out right from the center! The plant doesnt seem to being growing upwards at all, but it is growing a ton of new leaves.

The plants are currently in solo cups but Im not sure when I should change to a bigger size or how big.

Morning Star

Active Member
this is my first time growing and i have two plants in my closet set up right next to each other in two seperate potters. on the left and right side of the plants i have a surge protector with three cfl bulbs in it. don't remember the watts but there's about 2400 - 2800 lumens coming off of each strip then i bought a ballist for florecent lights and i have two florecent lights hanging about half a foot over my plants. the florecent lights put out 3050 lumens a peice. i like the set up i have but i'm not to sure about the florecents, is there something else i should be using? and do i have eneough light on them in the first place?


Well-Known Member
Im a newbie myself so Im not the greatest person to answer you. But from what ive read, that will be ok for a little while for you, but if you want some big beefy plants your going to want some more cfls, figure out what the watts on those are and you can get a better idea of what you need.

But back to my plants!!!

I know that they are small but I wanted to transplant 1 to a bigger pot to see if it made it grow any faster or slower. The sprout is looking decent but its leaves look a little wilted and droopy, I believe overwatering may be the case. Im gonna wait a day or two for more pictures so that theres a more noticeable change


Well-Known Member
YO YO Day 15 Here

The plants are doing well, my sprout still has droopy leaves and isnt growing to fast, Im going to hold off watering one more day and see if it makes a difference. The other two plants look great.

Da Sprout

This is plant A, the plant that I left in the solo cup. It is looking good but the two leaves growing from the very center are growing pretty slow. Hopefully they pick up in the next few days.

This is Plant B, I got nervous yesterday that the solo cups werent giving them enough room to grow so I replanted this one yesterday afternoon and it looks great today. As soon as I pick up another pot im going to replant Plant A.



Well-Known Member
Do my plants look small for 15 days? I think they are a little, but they look healthy and green, and they are growing really short and bushy, so Im not to worried. Should I begin adding nutes soon?


Well-Known Member
you should add watered down nutes soon

they look fine to me, dont worry if there bushy, thats what you want

you can always veg longer to get them taller

as for pot size i have flowered a plant entierly in a 16 oz cup, but it was tiny and only had two main colas nothing else but the bud was big and dense ill find a pic


Active Member
thats really cool raeman. never seen anything like it. that much bud on such a small plant gives me hope for my girls


Well-Known Member
Just bought some fox farms fertilizers.

I got

Fox Farm Grow Big
Fox Farm Big Bloom
Fox Farm Tiger Bloom

gonna start giving the two bigger plants some watered down Grow Big today and see how they react. Im going to look around, but should I just follow the feeding schedule thats on the site, start with 2 tsp per gallon of water. And also, if I put the 2 tsp in a gallon of water, do I need to give the whole gallon of water to my plant, or can I save the remaining for a few days from now.


Active Member
why does everybody put those ridiculous disclaimers on the bottom of their posts??? Do any of you really think that a) people are out to get you? or b) that if they really were, they would ignore all the photos taken in your houses, with your cameras, not to mention all of your thousands of "fictional" posts.
Cumon guys get real



Well-Known Member
What up guys, took a week or so off to let the plants grow a bit before I posted again. Some good news and bad news to report lol.

The good news is that one plant looks amazing. It has been growing like crazy and I cant wait to see how much more it grows in the next few weeks.

My other 2 plants are doing good but I ran into a few problems. One of my plants got pulled out of the soil by someone, it still had a bunch of roots attached and was at the time my best plant. This happened about 4 days ago and I replanted it immediatley. It looks healthy but has started growing a lot slower, but still is growing and very green.

My third plant which is about a week behind the other two looks good, except that It constantly has droopy leaves. I thought I was overwatering but even when I didnt water it for 3 days it was still droopy. I decided that perhaps it was to big for its solo cup and today I transplanted to a bigger container. When I transplanted I saw tons of roots at the bottom.

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