Closet CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Well, I didnt really know to much about envirolights, still dont to be honest. I see people getting great grows from them but i never researched where to buy them etc.

Today I added 4 23 watt 2700k cfls. I have three pics to put up, one each of the two main colas. As well as an overall view of my light set up.

I threw in one extra picture, so you could see more of the plant at once. The buds and leaves are so dense you cant see stem anywhere.



Well-Known Member
im not 100% sure, but i believe envirolights put out the same kind of light as cfls, they are just much stronger , so a bunch of cfls could equal 1 envirolight


Well-Known Member
hi folks could you tell me are cfl the same as envirolite? cheers
yes , envirolight = one bigass CFL
While they may not be as efficient, many smaller bulbs can provide excellent coverage with great proximity.
I think thats the most lights I've seen on one plant. Very cool.
Should make some great buds with all those lights. Way to grow! :peace:


Well-Known Member
just noticing a problem with the plant this afternoon. some of the lower leaves are beginning to turn yellow, and have some brownish spots forming on them. to me it looks like an mg deficiency but i have a few questions about it.

since i have repotted my plant is in a very large pot and i only have to water about one time a week. i do my nutes every other water, so its been a little under two weeks since i last watered with nutes. could the plant just be needing of some more nutes?

i also watered with molasses 2 weeks in a row, could this possibly have given me a ph problem, which then lead to the mg being locked out?

ill post pics if needed, but they pretty much look just like what the mg deficient ones in the growfaq do.


Well-Known Member
just noticing a problem with the plant this afternoon. some of the lower leaves are beginning to turn yellow, and have some brownish spots forming on them. to me it looks like an mg deficiency but i have a few questions about it.
This is mostly normal during flowering, but be careful of nutrient burn. Bottom fan leaves and stuff not getting much light will be abandoned and fall off but it should hardly be noticeable compared to the remaining heft of the plant.

I would say less nutrients. If you used MG soil, technically it has enough for months of growth past the life of the plant, you won't even really need them. Any nutrient problems are probably over-use related. I water when the plants need it, i.e. when they start to show visible signs of slight wilting I water about 1.5 quarts per 10" pot. Remember that plants breathe through their roots so if the soil is always wet the plants will suffocate, literally they will drown.
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Well-Known Member
just wanted to say wow to the pics and thanx for info,amazed at the cfl grow and enviro grow,use enviro on my plants, dont think we get as big cfl bulbs here.


Well-Known Member
plants now 6 weeks into flowering. I flushed it out with a lot of water yesterday because the mg defiecncyt was getting very bad. im going to let her dry over the next week and then hit her with some 1/2 strength bloom nutes. im dissapointed to have a nute burn this late into flowering, but i guess this stuff can happen your first grow. learn from your mistakes and dont get greedy, i tried to get greedy and fatten my buds by adding to much mollassess. hopefully it doesnt screw my grow up to much, starting to see a few orange hairs now but it still seems as if the buds have 2 or 3 more weeks.

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why does everybody put those ridiculous disclaimers on the bottom of their posts??? Do any of you really think that a) people are out to get you? or b) that if they really were, they would ignore all the photos taken in your houses, with your cameras, not to mention all of your thousands of "fictional" posts.
Cumon guys get real

Was just thinking that!