Close To Harvest First Crop Ever...Pics


Active Member
After alot of reading, asking questions, and getting great advice from alot of people on here...I'm almost ready to harvest the first bit of the first crop ever for me.
I'm experimenting with different strains and mediums, but I've had the best luck with a Jamaican strain that I've grown DWC in a 5 Gallon bucket. The roots are literally the same size and shape as the bottom half of the bucket and the colas (because there are 2 huge ones....the very biggest isn't even the top) are crazy. The pics just don't do it justice, but take a look and tell me what you think.
(The trichs are turning milky...and are even starting to go amber on a sister of this plant that's in soil.)



Well-Known Member
DR tents are the best way to grow indoor, love your grow man! I remember my first harvest 6 month supply and extra cash!!!


Active Member
Thanks guys!...I am stoked!...Everything you see in the pics and alot more is all from the same plant.....theres more really nice ones, but nothin else quite like this one.


Active Member
I'm watchin the trichs close with a jeweler's loupe....but, based on the pics, any guesses on when those buds will be done? I want to make sure I have enough time to flush properly before harvest.


Active Member
Wow. Looks great man I wonder what strain this is and what your nutes your usin are. Great grow!