close to harvest but lots of rain. What to do??


Well-Known Member
I live in the south east and I have a sweet purp#1 growing outdoors. Its about 2-3 weeks from being prime harvest but it has been raining for 2 days now and we are expecting at least 2 more days of rain. My question is, can I harvest it now? It is soaking wet and I don't want to get mold or fungus. My dilemma is that if I just let it go for a few more days until it is dry it may get mold or PM. If I harvest it wet what are my chances of ruining it in the drying room??? Help anyone who has had this problem.


Active Member
Are they in the ground or in pots? I had the same problem very high humidity and 5 days of rain my only option was to pull her into my bedroom and get fans or her as fast as I could to dry her out and stop the mold. Plus temps at night have been between 35 and 45 degrees with 90% humidity so at night I have been putting her in the shed with fans on her. I checked the trichomes out about 15min ago and Im guessing about 1 more week.


Well-Known Member
I have been out there shaking them. lol I had the past 2 days (Sunday and Monday ) off. And when the rain did stop for a few seconds I would go out and shake the water off. Only problem with a cover is I have these in my back yard garden and I am not in a legal state so I don't want to attract any attention. Ya know!


Well-Known Member
fucking get 4 big poles/ sticks . get a tarp put it over them. use nailes and pound the stick into the ground. quick tarp over the plant.


Well-Known Member
I recently had to harvest a few branches early because they were broken off in a downpour. They were soaking wet at the time. I just shook them off and then used an air compressor to blow dry them. They dried immediately and I've had no problems with them since.
should be fine if u get rid of all the dead leaves, those will mold, make sure to check in the buds and search for them, any caterpillar damage needs to be cut out. also go get urself a leaf blower, blow them dry before the sun comes out. u should be find if u do that.