Cloning with rockwool qyestion


Well-Known Member
always room for improvement on my end.. on a scale of 1-10 i would say i am about 7, hopefully in few years i will be a ten.... i do not use a heat mat because my temps are fine , i have a 4 foot t5 fixture that gives off some heat, but like i said man, i root 95% of cuttings very quickly, never had a problem with cloning, disease. i have a hard time just keeping up with clones rooting so fast. the dome temps stay 84 ish with high humidity.


Well-Known Member
I have cloned more plants than I care to think about, and I have found that over-saturated rockwool cubes slow the rooting process.
I soak the cubes in PH adjusted water, then shake out the excess water. I have also found that a heat mat also speeds rooting.

Everyone does it their own way, but this is what works best for me.