cloning was a 100% success. read this!


Active Member
I my girlfriend and I ran our first run of clones. We used an EZ-cloner 60 site with two clones per puck. We had a 100% success. All we did was cut clones, used the 45* angle cut dipped in Clonex then switched to Olivis gel. I did not notice any difference in the end between the two. After about two weeks we added clonex solution, never changed the water about three weeks into the process we added super thrive vitamin B and wa lah...clones.
The water temp was kept at around 70 to 72f. Ambient temp was around 68f.
Light used was a T5 48" four bulb.

On another note. I was in my closet the other day and noticed a branch that was very low on the plant and very spindly. So, I pulled it off. I sat in my closet trippin for about another twenty minutes and thought I should try and clone this girl. So I took it to my bedroom got a razor made the 45 cut dipped in clonex gel and realized my cloner was nowhere near ready to use. This is wehre it gets very interesting. I said fuck it and put some ocean forest in a plastic bowl made a hole, added some roots organic rooting powder and buried her. I then added some leftover foxfarm nutes from my last water (big bloom and open says-ME and wa lah again. She is doing great. Growing just like she had roots down there.
Has anyone else tried this with any success? Im thinking that I can skip the whole cloner alltogether.
Wha da ya think?


Active Member
Thanks I boost! Im excited abut our success. I have read about how some have many failures so my girl and I (and roomies) were very excited to see the success. The down side is we had to throw out many of the clones as we are only allowed 6 plants per person in our house so the rest went to the grass pile. We decided to do so many because we thought that we would not have near the success that we did.


Active Member
I'v had good luck sticking them in soil and I have had to toss out.Doesn't always work so well.Better to keep the cloner.