Cloning Straight Into Flowering

Mr. Weash

A little over a week ago, I cloned some of my plants.
I cut them, dipped them in rooting hormone, and then put them into my 20 gal DWC setup with half the amount of nutes I need.
They are on a 12/12 light cycle and I can't seem to determine the sex yet. I checked them this past sunday and they are sprouting roots.
Will they survive this quick process?


Well-Known Member
How old is the mother you took these off of? Are the nodes on her alternating? If not they may not even be sexually mature. In which case you're just depriving them of time they could be using to build a more stable structure. If they are ready then I don't see why they wouldn't survive. I would probably either give them a little veg time or add some rooting hormone to encourage growth going straight into flower. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt worry, they are not gonna do much of anything till they start to produce roots and grow again. i use a bubble cloner, seems to be about 2 weeks before i see new growth, roots in about 4 days

Mr. Weash

My Clones are producing a good quantity of roots now. My mothers are about 10-11 weeks old. I'm just pinching new growth to keep them bushy and smaller. I'm almost getting a bonsai effect since I'm leaving them in a small container.

I upped the dosage of nutes to full now. I think they can handle it.

Today would make them almost three weeks old now. When can I expect the see the sex and it start to flower.


Well-Known Member
You are supposed to clone the cutting on veg lighting and when its rooted put it into 12/12 for flower.

If you root under flower lighting its going to mess up the clones hormones and it will not flower vigorously. Doing it this way will result in inferior results.