Cloning Question....


Active Member
Ok so new question for you all.... I want to take a couple of cuttings to clone so I can start a couple of mother plants....I'm into day 4 of flower and picked up the plants as clones 6 weeks ago. Not sure how old they were when I got them. The Bible says to wait until the plants are 2 months old before cloning. Do you think I'm ok to to clip them now or should I wait?




Active Member
four days in flower is not a problem at all. people revege all the time. i dont prefer it, you just find out what works for you.


I would think that that would be a last resort type of situation or if your on a time sensitive situation.


Active Member
I've cloned plants that were more than three weeks into flower, and though they took longer to root they turned into the best looking plants. After that I did a little research to see what went right and it turns out there is a term for it called monster cropping. Google it.


Active Member
Thanks for the replys guys, I'm not too concerned about cloning from a flowering plant, there are lots of references to it, I was more concerned about the whole 2 month old deal. I'll check out the monster cropping.....



Well-Known Member
flowering clones make incredible mothers, technically you could cut now but wait a few weeks. Around day 21 is ideal. Flowering clones are often given a bad rap from people who've never actually tried it. The mother plants will make so many branches you wont believe it


flowering clones make incredible mothers, technically you could cut now but wait a few weeks. Around day 21 is ideal. Flowering clones are often given a bad rap from people who've never actually tried it. The mother plants will make so many branches you wont believe it
That makes sense. gonna give it a try!!