
Well-Known Member
Good Day All

Ok well i need some serious help here, bought some Sensi Seeds ( White Skunk & Super Skunk ) and i thought i would attempt to clone for the first time and guess what my clones rooted. First time i ever cloned and it worked Sucks Fake the feeling was better than sex ( probably because i dont get any ). Well now i am stuck. I have had to transplant my clones into 5 Litre pots because the roots went crazy growing out the small pots i had them in but now when can i put them outside or under full MH 400 watt. I have them outside now for the first day but they are under a 40% shade netting to protect them from the full force of the sun. Any help will be greatly appreciated

O just a quick pic of my 4 ladies in the flowering room



Well-Known Member
Ok just so i dont confuse anyone, the 4 ladies under the HPS are not the clones lol those are actually the mother plants. i got 4 clones of white skunk and 4 clones of super skunk, and they are outside, i know me asking if this is ok to do even though i have done it already is a bit stupid but i need some peace of mind while sitting here at work.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who answered my question and was able to help me out. You guys are a bunch of cunts. This forum is suppose to help people yet nobody actually gives a flying fuck for anyone else. all that people are worried about is getting the most replies from a thread and showing who has the best pics. I will be taking myself of this site and joining a new site as 420 sensi forum and grass city i have had more replies and decent informative conversations with people unlike this site. Peace Love and go fuck yourself


Active Member
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who answered my question and was able to help me out. You guys are a bunch of cunts. This forum is suppose to help people yet nobody actually gives a flying fuck for anyone else. all that people are worried about is getting the most replies from a thread and showing who has the best pics. I will be taking myself of this site and joining a new site as 420 sensi forum and grass city i have had more replies and decent informative conversations with people unlike this site. Peace Love and go fuck yourself
Wow someone needs some good couchlock weed to mellow out ...Dats what im smoking right now and the reason i still luv ya lol


Well-Known Member
well to answer your question you can just leave them outside you are in South Africa and the weather is just fine for them outside right now...

and to reply to your last post of disdain for this site you have to be thinking of the time differential between users of this site... as a vast majority are on the western side of the planet... whereas the time is now 8:35 AM in the morning and the vast majority of people who can or are usually awake enough to respond to you are most likely either asleep west of you and east of you are at work and cannot just chat or respond quickly while working... ;)


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys your all right im just a bit stressed for some reason i have not had my meds today ( probably because i am out and waiting for it to grow. So once again sorry to All


Active Member
Your sig is ironic to your crappy attitude. Seems as if you were handed everything as a child. BABY WANT MILK!!!
cmon a burn after the apology?
a lil late for the hate

Everyone has real bad days. Not everyone apologizes to total strangers for it so I give them props for it
I'm going to have to smoke this without you now.. im sorry.


Well-Known Member
Lol its all good, and Coolrunnings you could not be further from the truth my man, but like Kronnix said a burn after the apology pfffffffffft lol it was a crappy thing for me to have done in the first place and i really am sorry for venting but i did apologise so now you can suck my balls. And my clones are doing well so i guess i have answered my own question.


Well-Known Member
Hey Skunk doc, i assume by your name you Like your skunk, have you grown any before, like Sensi Seeds Super Skunk, if so what was your yield like etc and is it a nice plant to grow, does it yield alot and how is the smoke. Cheers brother bear

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Time to try some of that product. For your info I have at times had the same issue's with getting questions answered but that is not specific to this site. For the most part I have had great luck getting info on this site. To answer your question once you have that kind of root growth it is time to put them under the 400 for sure. Just make sure if your using a higher wattage bulb (1000 for instance you) you want to watch the distance your plants are from the light so they don't burn. I have a great chart (optimal distances for plants at different wattage levels 400, 600, 1000) that I am trying to locate and when I do today I will post it for you. Happy growing!