cloning outdoors?


Well-Known Member
can i take a cutting and keep it outside to root if so how should i go about it? should i keep it in the shade for a bit or just let it in the sun? i have cloned a lot of times indoor but i dont feel like making a box for inside because i tore ever thing down and started all outside fot the summer and if any one has any pics of a outdoor ppp id really like to see it i have one i started inside and its about 2 1/2 feet tall already( i live in pa in the mountains so the season isnt too long) but i would like to have something to compare to


Well-Known Member
can i take a cutting and keep it outside to root if so how should i go about it? should i keep it in the shade for a bit or just let it in the sun? i have cloned a lot of times indoor but i dont feel like making a box for inside because i tore ever thing down and started all outside fot the summer and if any one has any pics of a outdoor ppp id really like to see it i have one i started inside and its about 2 1/2 feet tall already( i live in pa in the mountains so the season isnt too long) but i would like to have something to compare to
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I had the understanding that cuttings need to be under light for 24/0 for a couple weeks?


Well-Known Member
ive succesfully cloned under 16/8 many times i think it takes alittle longer to root but it def. im thinking of taking a bigger cutting maybe that will help? any help is appreciated thank u


Well-Known Member
I've cloned outdoors successfully, not cannabis but other plants, I simply place a jar or 2 liter bottle (cut in half of course) on top of plant and keep it out of direct sunlight ,mist as needed to keep humidity levels up,I don't see why it won't work with Cannabis.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I cut the bottom branches and their branches to make clones this year. I did it all outside, outside plant, and kept clone outside in greenhouse too. I did this because I've never made clones before and wanted to practice. It worked! After cutting clones I dipped in Clonex and put directly into MG soil. Its been about 3 weeks since and most survived and are looking very good. As I said this was just a practice run with no humidity control. My GH is slightly shaded but not much, you'll do fine .Good luck


Well-Known Member
Just keep them alive and they'll root anywhere. Clones will root if they are kept clean and wet, you don't need fancy hormones or gadgets to do it.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Just keep them alive and they'll root anywhere. Clones will root if they are kept clean and wet, you don't need fancy hormones or gadgets to do it.
yeah, I cloned all mine out side with nothing but what sunlight we are receiving. dip cuttings into root tone and put into potting soil and kept them moist and took 2-3 weeks and they're 3' high now. I took them off my current outdoor grow.