cloning near harvest


Active Member
high all and happy labor day,

I was wondering if someone could succesfully clone a plant near havest time? I have not seen it stated anywhere that you could not.

what if the plant was nitrogen deficient, would taking a clone from it and putting he cutting into a fresh medium correct the problem?

thanks for any replies


Well-Known Member
yes u can do it.. just takes a bit longer to root then a plan that is already in veg.. good luck

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
high all and happy labor day,

I was wondering if someone could succesfully clone a plant near havest time? I have not seen it stated anywhere that you could not.

what if the plant was nitrogen deficient, would taking a clone from it and putting he cutting into a fresh medium correct the problem?

thanks for any replies
You're better off taking cuttings from a healthy plant, that's thriving in the vegetative state, otherwise you're just adding to the stress of cloning.

I've also read that the genetics are weakened every time you do this (clone in flower or reveg) so it's not the best idea.

But sure it can be done


Well-Known Member
Actually you'd likely see less cloning stress (whatever that is) taking your cuttings during flowering so long as the leaves themselves are sufficiently healthy.. At that time the plant is transporting more phosphorus which is vital for root growth.. The delay will be in the time it needs to revert to a vegitative state and grow vigorously, but all that little while the roots themselves will grow (which is a good head start)..
As far as the plant is concerned, it just has the opportunity to reveg..


Active Member
havent been on for awhile but thanks for the replies. Im giving this a try and Ill try to post my success/failure.


Active Member
i have just done this. i cloned @ week 6 of flower, it took ~ 5 weeks for it to show new veg growth...

it is a long process i took 6 clones 4 of which karked it, one is just holding in there & the last is looking hella good. if you have nirogen deficiency not sure how well they will hold up...

was suprised at how vibrant and robust the new growth is, looks the bomb.



Well-Known Member
What would you say your skill level is?? Do you clone alot with better results earlier, or are you fairly new??
Sounds generally on par, maybe a little slower, and I didn't see them struggle much worse than normal..
BTW, don't worry if the leaves grow funny for a while..


Active Member
What would you say your skill level is?? Do you clone alot with better results earlier, or are you fairly new??
Sounds generally on par, maybe a little slower, and I didn't see them struggle much worse than normal..
BTW, don't worry if the leaves grow funny for a while..

i am a new grower (couple under the belt) but would like to think i have some 'skill'. this was my first time cloning, i would have cloned in veg however it was not possible due to my situation. they developed roots on track just new growth took a while to appear. yeh the new growth is pretty trippy...