

Can i use a normal 40w energy saving bulb for my fresh clones or do I need something special to make them root?

I have been setting clones away from other plants so that they have a little light from main bulbs but this have worked wery slowly..

And do they need any heat? I see some put heating matts under them or is It enough to just have normal room temp for them to root?


Yea that light will work alright for rooting clones and i just put mine in a humidity box with a Lil natural light and they go good i think you would need a heat mat in cold areas, and the general temp where i an is around 25-28 degrees celcius


On my first clones I think It was to moist..Ill try to keep it down this time,let em seek for water makin roots.
If you start a clone that was indoors you can't put it outdoors, it will shock the plant terribly! Its still used to indoor climates and not used to all the natural stuff outside.