clones, pics, is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Pulled some male clones they looked like this, white at the tip and swelling, half of the 24 had little white roots coming out of them. is this how it's supposed to look?

had to pulled them, found out the eigh clones i bought a month ago are males, yeah i got skrewed! i cloned them, and i pulled them out of there rockwool today.


bud bootlegger
yup yup.. thats it.. look great too.. nice job... if you have any extra space away from your main grow room, i would say to keep one or two of the males and you could use them for breeding, or doing crazy experiments with them like lst training, supercroping, or whatever you could dream up with, that way you can learn a ton from them, and if you end up killing them, your not really out like you would be if you had just trashed a healthy female..
where did you get the clones from? a dispensary?? if so, i would say take them back and tell them that they are not females, and you either want your $$ back or another clone... if not, that sucks man.. i feel for you..


Well-Known Member
thanks RB, you rock. I got the same experiments dreams! saved a couple, experiments are fun. got them from a friend with a whole house setup, i know! that's why it blows my mind. Any way he's been laid off for a year, owns a house, heroin addict, etc.! so i'm over it. got eight oaksterdam clones today that have my pants wet! totally reliable source this time, wouldn't believe me if i told you. But thanks on the clone props, the swelling is normal though?


bud bootlegger
yeah.. they look good to me.. all i think you really need to worry about is the roots being nice and healthy, and enough of them to support the plant when you decide to go ahead and plant them, which they look like they have plenty enough to do so..
yah.. dreamin up cool new expirements can be fun, and mostly when you try them and a few of them work out for you..


Well-Known Member
that's why im happy i got my first veg done. even though they were all males, i pulled the stump and the roots were white and healthy! over being pissed, now im just stoked for the new grow, but im going into it confident with soil, so that's what they meant by "it's easy"!