clones flowering?


Active Member
ive been vegging clones for 3 1/2 weeks under 24/7 light. when i cut light back to 18 it appeared to have gone into flowering...ill have pics up later. has anybody ever seen this? and should i say screw it and drop to 12/12?


New Member
How long was it running 18/6 hours off? As well what are the clones strain from? Switching the light from 24/7 to 18/6 on clones, could do it. Especially after using 24/7 for 3.5 weeks and giving the flowers there first taste of darkness.
I recommend running them at 12/12 from here on out just so you dont mess up the plants flowering already. I mean why put it thru stress and force it back into vegging? After all you can just simply make more clones and start over again frim the beginning using the 18/6 method then 12/12

How tall are you clones as well


Active Member
They are about 18 inch bushy ass ak47/cherry og. After first 6 hour period they showed signs...are u sure i should go straight to 12/12? Stepping them down in light wouldnt put them back in veg would it? Ill have pics asap


Well-Known Member
Alot of plants will show sex even under 24/7 light, are you sure that the 6 hours of darkness caused it, or was it just coincidence?


Active Member
No coincidence...we check a couple times a day and nothing til this morn after first dark period.


New Member
Well if it was going into flowering stage, putting it back into veg stage could slightly delay things as well cause some stress to a certain extent.

You could keep it at where you got it and then if it shows more signs of flowering then you will have your answer. After all some people run 18/6 from the get go, so if it just flowers instead, I would go ahead and keep em flowering.

Why force back nature? besides you can always grab some clones just so you have a plant to choose from and a fall back to play with more.

clones can come in handy to keep a good strain and particularly high yielding plant thriving especially when using a sog method.

stick with 18/6 cycle for a lil longer to determine if it was the darkness period that caused it to flower.