

Active Member
im almost ready to move my clones to there new home in my DWC/drip system..i think i made a HUGE mistake though..rotted them in jiffy pellets cause i wasnt planning on DWC..will they be ok to move to hydroton and 3" net cups...if not what can i do or how should i go about it


Well-Known Member
I'm honestly not sure if clones can go straight into hydroton or if rockwool helps them survive better. I hope you can find your answer! Question though, have you cut the leaves in half to slow the veg growth of the clone? Something I read a couple days ago that seems to make sense.


Active Member
noi didnt know that..i cut the bottom set of fan leaves off for more root growth what does cutting the leaves in half do


Active Member
i c..well thanx for the link ill take it in to consideration..but im still left wondering about if peat pellets are gonna be ok in hydroton as opposed to rockwool


Well-Known Member
I don't think it will be an issue for a hydro setup. Just make sure your water is Ph'd and it should be just fine.


Active Member
ty mr ganja..what about the peat sediment in my water pump..and should i put the jiffy pots right in the hydroton??


Well-Known Member
Yeah just put them into the hydroton, and if you are worried about peat sediment you may want to purchase a filter bag for your pump. I use organics on my DWC setup, so I have to use a filter bag to keep my pump clean.


Active Member
are they universal or certain bags for certain pumps..another thing im having trouble getting is a water manifold for my drip system...if u cant tell this is my first hydro setup and im really excited..ive grown indoors with soil many times and outdoors but never hydro..itll be my first DWC


Well-Known Member
are they universal or certain bags for certain pumps..another thing im having trouble getting is a water manifold for my drip system...if u cant tell this is my first hydro setup and im really excited..ive grown indoors with soil many times and outdoors but never hydro..itll be my first DWC

The bags are pretty much universal, and if you don't have a hydro store near by, check around for pool and spa supply places. They usually carry something similar.

I'm afraid I can't really help much with a drip system but I've seen good results. I grow DWC, and love every minute of it :D


Active Member
i see that.. i looked at your black was beautiful lol..see u got the DWC club as well..well thanx for your help atrum


Active Member
Are you running a rDWC unit? if its not recirculating then why would you need any sort of pump? only pump you need for DWC is a fish tank air pump and no filters are needed for those because its not gonna get into their tube and clog anything.

Put the peat right into the rockwool and if your root systems arent THAT developed then i'd suggest putting the peat to the second bottom level of holes then filling in on top. Bring your level to the BOTTOM OF THE JIFFY CUBE, drop accordingly during root growth. But if you have enough air flow through the water then you'll be fine and levels shouldnt matter. I run a 4 rez DWC setup that isnt recirculating and even though it takes a little bit extra time refilling and re-nuting all the seperate rez's its worth it imo.
