clones barely any roots outside help plz


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so i bought some clones i went to transplant them in holes and they had barely any roots and havent grew really any in 8 days outdoors sunny everyday then i relized the only way they can really grow is by foliar watering right since theres no roots is this bad to do will it burn my plants thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
ya in my thread humboldtchronic's guerrilla grow 2012 i mean they have some roots but there drooping abit and turning yelowish and white like they got burnt a bit there not terrible like mostly green just concerned they wont root like if they have a few roots they will grow right mabey there just stunted a bit moved them outside on the first of may thinking about getting a humidity dome and putting them in the shade for a few days?

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
You should have cut/pasted the link.Could not find it (web maintenance?).Anyway since it has some roots mild light and nutes are in order.Sounds like outdoor only stealth to me.I would stick them in perlite or something and give lite nutes and floros.In your case I wonder if planted in a hole with the top barely poking out and saran wrap over it would be better than a more spottable surface humididome.They sound shocked and stressed and more info would have helped.
good luck.


Well-Known Member
my thread disapered wtf and are you suppose to give clones nutrients or wait a couple weeks the ones in holes have some roots and 20 gals of brand new fox farms along with some mykos and marine cusine time release ferts and water good dont wanna burn my little babys i have some heavy duty clear trash bags that would probly work you think putting them in the shade with this trash bag over them and mist the leaves mabey with mabey a half tablespoon of grow big would work if all else fails i will purchase more clones.


Well-Known Member
I think they're too young to worry about feeding. Give it a few weeks. I did just a quarter a tablespoon of bloodmeal as a top dress for my Herrer plant and it burned a couple of leaves. I leached immediately and she's doing better now.

That's why I put my clones that aren't rooted well into a transparent plastic cup. Within a week, you can visually see how the roots are coming along. That will make them more durable when you transplant them.


Well-Known Member
ya so i went to my site today and one of the clones i saw a root comming out the drain hole they are pretty green just lacking roots i guess they take awhile to grow at this age and all the stress they have been thru.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You have to harden off indoor clones before they go out. You cant just toss them outdoors in full sunlight until they have 2 or 3 sets of nodes and have been hardened off slowly to the sunlight.


Well-Known Member
well it was cloudy for the first couple days i mean ive did it before it doesnt get past 70 degress here i live on the coast with cloudy weather usually even during summer they have been outdoors for 9 days now and are still green?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
They probably will grow slow. The reason you harden off is they came from indoor climate control so outdoors you have to get them used to temps, humidity level, new soil temps, sun power, night temps. When you got quickly from new clone to outdoors its a shock to the plant and very stressful which can also invite sex change ie hermies. I like to let the clones roots in a small pot in the soil they will be in. I usually put them in the soil as soon as roots show thru the rockwool or rapid rooter or whatever they started in. then for the next week or so they go out and get a bit used to it. If your guerilla growing let the plants get to like 6 inches then they are established and go out quick with less issue.


Well-Known Member
2012-05-09_12-14-46_575.jpg clones that I dint harden off this grow was 2 years ago when I was 17 they looked like shit for a couple of Weeks then took off gdp i think they just need time probly but ya i know what ya mean if i could keep indoors i would and move them out a few hours a day but i live with my parents and my dad use to raid marijuana grows ha so i dont think he would want me growing.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
i can understand that and its good you respect their home too. Like I said I think they just got a bit of a shock and will be ok they just might be a bit slow to take off.


Well-Known Member
thanks man time is what i need i suppose if after a week there not doing better ill just get more clones i suppose thanks for your help man i appreciate it!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I think you got it all inline and like anything time and practice make you better. Those old pics looked real good so you ll be fine.Good grows


Well-Known Member
ya man people say im a really good grower ha i grow masive tomato plants in my backyard in my greenhouse and have grew some dank weed never smoked any of it cus it was sold the day it was finished drying but ya 40 bags of ffof i betternot fuck up or i wasted alot of cash ha.


Well-Known Member
I think you'll be alright; but definitely use rooting hormone next time if you didn't already. For clones it's best to keep humidity high, so a humidity dome would probably be a good idea too. As a clone with no roots, the cutting is getting a lot of its water through the foliage. Some people use a very mild nute solution while spraying the clones, but I wouldn't recommend this. I would just stick to water. And next time save a couple doobies! How will you know if you're progressing? (good excuse) :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks advanced newbie thats what I was thinking just buy a humidity dome they fit over the clone trays right and ha I know what ya mean but id rather have cash lol so I can be in the caribean while others are in the rain lol I grow mainly just to be able to enjoy things in life I wouldnt without it and to avoid working my life away I dont need alot just enough to do some things and enjoy my life but you guys are all awesome for helping me out wish you all the best of luck this year!