Clones and grodan cubes

I am trying to start some cuttings. I am using grodan cubes to start the rooting process. Got the cuttings setting in a plastic tray with a dome cover, getting 18 hours of light a day. Just wondering if I can also take a cutting, put it in the grodan cube and plant it in soil? BTW, I do use Clonex gel on the cut end. I have condensation building up on the inside of the plastic dome. Is that ok?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
#1 Cutting - cube - soil......It can work, it does work,,,,but it does not have the success rate that letting it root then transplanting does....
#2 condensation,,,,,no problem there......cuttings rooting like warmer and more humidity,,,so your good there.
I have a cloning box, enough room for 36 clones. Nice little sprinkler system underneath the board where the cutting rest while the water contstantly sprays on the cut ends of the cuttings. No dome for it. Have had limited success with it in the past. Just wondering if it would be worthwhile to fabricate a clear top for it to contain a level of humidity?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you hope to gain? Can you control the environment as well in soil? Why not skip the rockwool and just go in soil? It complicates things when it isn't necessary to do so. Haven't you ever heard of the K.I.S.S. princliple?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I just cut my clones dip them in grow powered give a tape then push them into solid grodan rockwool cubes that soaked over night in ph 5 water mixed with Fox Farm Big Bloom as the bllom nutes help the roots so no need for nitrogen til roots show. Mist daily helps to keep trays warm roots burst out in about 5-7 days.