cloned my plants after they flowerd


Well-Known Member
It's just going to take a while for them to root/go back into the vegetative state...But they should be ok. Pull off the flowers.


Well-Known Member
mine took only one week to show roots but grew one leaf leaves for 2 weeks very straigh looking but it will end up looking normal....


Well-Known Member
Are you sure bout pulling off the flowers tho, what would that do.... thier under cfl's, should i be using many of them, or just like 1 or 2? I've been misting them evrey couple hours, one of them perked up today!!!


Well-Known Member
those to me looks pretty dang big to be clones.. get a humidity dome goin, 1-2 23W cfl's id think be good. they dont need much light or else they cant support rapid growth


Well-Known Member
I got a warm color 42w cfl up high, like 2 ft up, and a cooler cfl 18w down closer to them, as for the humidity ive been sprayin them with a spray bottle


Active Member
you gotta pull the flowers off completely , when back in veg the old flowers will decay, maybe causing rot spots on the stem , happened to me. Think uve increased your chance of the plant being a hermie by taking clones in flowering also.


Well-Known Member
i started out cloning like this because i broke a plant and i had to either clone it or throw it away... not the best way to learn but deff made me learn and learn fast.