Clone Leaves looking droopy


New Member
I'm growing in a perlite and coco coir mix. I'm using a 450 watt led and I am giving them full spectrum of light. Red whites and blues. After I gave them the red spectrum, which was at 10pm lastnight. They started looking droopy, (24 hours later) I also gave the clones just under the recommended amount of Cana A&B nutes (6ml, so I have them 5ml) is it maybe because the light intensity? My temp was at 81 and humidity at 50 when I looked at 9:40pm today. The lower leaves are burnt but that was from before the clones were taken. Just some advice or input on how they look is helpful.



Well-Known Member
I find it is much easier on the clone when large primary leafs are clipped with just enough leaf left to process photosynthesis

plus what CK said


Well-Known Member
Leaf droop is normal.. maybe ease off the light a bit..they need root growth right now..