cloaning question


Well-Known Member
hey guys heres wat i got

cloan box with the clear lid
4 clones
dip n grow liquid rooting concentrate..
mini starter blocks

i soaked the blocks in water then dipped the clones with the root concentrate put them in the box and put a half a inch of water in aswell..

anything wrong with this?


Well-Known Member
The Clones will not need much light until they get established.

Make sure not to have the light to close.

You also need good intake and exhaust ventilation.


Well-Known Member
how far away would you say?

wat you mean by intake and exhause ventilation?
should i leave the box open to air or put a few holes in the top for air and water to get out....


Well-Known Member
how far away would you say?

wat you mean by intake and exhause ventilation?
should i leave the box open to air or put a few holes in the top for air and water to get out....

a few holes is all that's needed at this point. the light can be a few inches away. keep them warm.


Well-Known Member
ok so i put two holes in the lid and its about 2 feet away from my light

good or closeR?

how many hours a day of light

if i go with the s.o.g. method how many clones can i keep?


Well-Known Member
That should be fine for clones. Move the light closer after they root.

I leave my clones under 24 hours of light.


Well-Known Member
Well there's really no need as the plants have no roots. It will serve as a way to raise the humidity but with the plastic dome you really shouldnt need the water.


Well-Known Member
I dont have as much rep as these dudes, but Im going to comment anyway. I cant tell if you have a cover, but thats important at this stage.
Cover them and they will perk right up after a few hours.
Ive never overwatered new clones, but I would only flood them with about a 1/2 inch or so of water.
Keep updating for better feedback. They dont look bad though.


Well-Known Member
why do you cut holes in the top? I thought the objective was to raise humidity not lower it? I find it easier just to lift the lid a couple of times day.


Well-Known Member
I didnt do that, but in there first few days I checked on them venting a couple times a day.
Keep them very humid for the first few days, and after a few days vent even more. Progressively vent more as days go by.
You will know if your keeping them humid enough because they will wilt over.


Well-Known Member
Ive never let them dry out too much, so your probably right. I just know from exp. that if you think their ready to be uncovered, you better be sure. I thought the dome was ready to come off. They were perky and had roots coming out the bottom, so I took it off. 30 min. later they looked like they wanted to die.


Well-Known Member
Idk...i put them in a dwc right away. Good water levels might be the key.
Never tried that, sounds risky to me. If it worked for you though sounds good.
For the sake of this grow and the equipment he has, I have to recommend keeping it covered and humid.
Thats what I meant when I said they wilted over. Not humid enough.