clear out a field vs. field


Active Member
#1.So do you guys think i should just clear out a semi big field in the middle of the woods.


#2. should i just go to a big clearing where it should get a lot of sun.

the two locations have a water source near them. but
#2 would most likely get more sun..


it depends, does your area have police flyovers to spot outdoor grows? if so, then i would say that #1 would be out of the question as a purposely cleared area in the woods would be completely obvious from the air, so go with #2. if you dont have the heliCOPter problem, i would do #1 as i imagine that would be more secure from prying eyes. hope that helps


Active Member
the spot is off of a lake in a private area. this lake is completley secluded. the location is on a bog.
a spongy surface with a lot of water so you need waiters to get to it. that elminating other ppl nosing around.

and maybe helicopters fly over but idk if they are checking for plants. 6 plants wont be that hard to notice i dont think either.