Chris Dodd (D) paved the way for the bonus checks.


New Member
Just reported on CNN, Chris Dodd is the one who snookered us and slipped the "bonus" language into the bailout bill. Interestingly enough, a good portion of the execs getting bonus checks are from his home state. No fucking way ! :roll:

He lied about doing it too, then yesterday he admitted and "it wasn't lying, people just didn't understand".

Feel free to print this out to hang on your dart board.

Oh yes and Chris, yes we do understand, watch your back motherfucker, watch your back.


Well-Known Member
it wasn't dodd who signed it into law.
are we saying that dodd slipped it in and no one knew?
how could nobody know?
lol I blame bush!
I like to thank all the democrat supporters and there reps.
please stand up and give yourselfs a hand.
these last couple of weeks have been "priceless."(cough*clueless*cough) couldn't have been without your help.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
These sons of bitches on both sides of the isle have sold us down the river on so many occasions! In 2 years we have a chance to vote these thieves out of office, especially the ones that have been there for decades! Let's give them the old heave ho!

We have let these people divide us for too long! Republican against Democrat, Conservative against Liberal. If we don't put aside our differences and stand together long enough to clean house with the only power that the people have left, our vote, then we are all going to be in deep shit!


New Member
I'm sure there are a few, make that quite a few corrupt Dems in the mix, never doubted that for a moment. In fact I've always contended that by the time someone has garnered enough support and money to make a run for most any public office, they have sold out to the monied interests. That's how capitalism works. It's all about the money. Every once in a while someone comes along that has a little light still left in them, some instilled sense of principle. I sense that Obama is one of those. He is playing with a den of snakes, (The congress), and must be very observant or he will surely get tricked up. When trying to pick a cabinet head, his selection is somewhat limited to regular snakes or venemous snakes. Choosing from a snake den is always a risky business, one must be extremely careful or they will be bitten for sure.