choice of 8 inch in-line fan??


I'm towards the end of setting up my grow room and I need an 8 inch inline fan. I've been told that the Vortex fan is the top of the line, yadda, yadda, yadda, and it costs about $270. Ouch. So I'm tight on cash. Is there really a big difference between a Vortex and Organic Air and ...... other brands? I plan on getting a speed controller to control some noise. Should I drop the money on the Vortex? Is it really worth it?


I dont have the answer to your question... but today i just spent 80$ on a 1590 cfm 8" inline... a store called harbor freight, it's not a very common store so dont know if u could find one..


I went with a brand called ecoplus. If you compare the cfms (which is what you should look at) they are almost the same but the ecoplus is $50 cheaper. How big is your grow space? Are you sure you need an 8"?


Well-Known Member
Heres the deal. Max Fan is probably the best fan on the market, quietest & pushes the most air. Next inline is def the Vortex, again very quite and moves alot of air. They are the 2 most expensive fans on the market. Remember you get what you pay for. I would say CAN, Ecoplus and Active Air are all comparable to each other. I get Active Airs for $125 for 8". Ecoplus makes a "classic" and a "supreme" fan. If you are using it for your reflectors or intake/exhaust get the premium, if it is for a carbon filter get the classic. Just my 2c.


Thanks All. This is for my flower room that is 7x11x8 tall (616 cubic feet). It is a sealed room so this vent line goes from outside, through 2 vented 8 inch hoods, and then right back outside so it never touches the inside air and there is no carbon filter on this line for the fan to work on. The intake and exhaust vents I put in the walls are 8 inch. The entire vent line is 11 feet long. Does the 8 inch fan sound right-sized? Was thinking an 8 inch inline fan now and then one more when I add another 1 or 2 lights. Also, I am trying to keep the noise down.