Chimp attacks woman. Discuss.


Well-Known Member
No, I wasn't there. My mother took me to a couple of the tea parties and then said it was enough, she knew it wasn't right. But I did get a horse out of the deal! Since my parents would not allow me to go over there anymore they bought me a horse to keep me busy....I am glad I was not there.


New Member
The poor chimp, It was probably young and with nobody teaching it, it probably didn't know any better. Even dogs have to be taught not to take the fingers when someone gives you a bite.


Well-Known Member
You know down here you can buy a monkey anywhere. They always have them at the bird shows I go too. I don't know what they are, they are little and cute as hell. They run around 6k. They must be selling because at every bird show I attend they are there...I want to say they are spider monkeys, not sure though.


Well-Known Member
You know down here you can buy a monkey anywhere. They always have them at the bird shows I go too. I don't know what they are, they are little and cute as hell. They run around 6k. They must be selling because at every bird show I attend they are there...I want to say they are spider monkeys, not sure though.
i wonder what happens to the poor things when thier owners tire of them.


Well-Known Member
They do look like that Miss, except they are smaller. I guess because they are babies. I think it is crazy. I have no idea what these people do with them, none whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
that thing is sweet lookin. i would totaly keep one them as a pet.
Your from Florida, yes? If so, they are everywhere for sale. I also find their cages for sale a lot on Craigslist. I don't know what kind of pet they would make but I do know they are readily available down here.


Well-Known Member
yea but i dont have the space or money. i have a feeling they take up some room or at least like to run around alot and that wouldnt work in a small apartment like mine.


Well-Known Member
yea but i dont have the space or money. i have a feeling they take up some room or at least like to run around alot and that wouldnt work in a small apartment like mine.
Yeah you are right. And, you don't want a wild animal like that around when it grows up and figures out that it don't belong in a domesticated home! That is when we read about the attacks. They should stop selling them, but, they won't. I go through this with my parrots, they should not be in a home with people, but, they are. This is why I won't let my birds breed, I don't want to be a part of the problem.


New Member
Those little monkeys shouldn't be pets either. Just like small children, they can and will get into stuff that hurt them. Monkey's belong in the wild with other monkeys.

When will people learn? I know......... never.