

Active Member
What would happen if I were to water a plant a diluted form of one of these. I did a few tests with a few glow sticks and newts and found the color of the light changes with the presents of nitrogen.
Could I then see increase in color intensity.
What I was looking for was a making a plants leaves change color based on the presence of nitrogen and chlorophyll. Maybe you could follow the nitrogen (or another substance) through the plant and take highly detailed pictures.
Since I don't have radioactive substances around I stated looking at these two.

Oh, I am not going to smoke this.
Any ideas?

  • Luminol in an alkaline solution with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of iron or copper[1], or an auxiliary oxidant[2], produces chemiluminescence. The luminol reaction is
luminol + H2O2 → 3-APA[◊] → 3-APA + light The quantum efficiency, QC is 1%. For the laboratory experiment see references [1],[2].
  • Cyalume, as used in a lightstick, emits light by chemiluminescence of a fluorescent dye (also called fluorescor) activated by cyalume reacting with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a catalyst,such as sodium salicylate. It is the most efficient chemiluminescent reaction known. up to 15% quantum efficiency.[3]
cyalume + H2O2 + dye → phenol + 2CO2 + dye[◊] Bis(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl-6-carbopentoxyphenyl)oxalate (CPPO) is a solid [ester] whose [oxidation] products are responsible for the [chemiluminescence] in a [glowstick] . It can be synthesized by reacting 2-carbopentoxy-3,5,6-trichlorophenol with oxalyl chloride.


When mixed with hydrogen peroxide in an organic solvent in the presence of a fluorescent dye CPPO causes the emission of light.
The reaction rate is pH dependent, and slightly alkaline conditions achieved by adding a weak base, e.g. [sodium salicylate] , will produce brighter light.
Developed by American Cyanamid in the 1960's, the formulation containing CPPO, a fluorescor, and a glass capsule containing hydrogen peroxide and a base catalyst, all in dialkyl phthalate solvents, was marketed as Cyalume.

The following colors can be produced by using different dyes: