Chef Looking to Move West.


Active Member
Here is the deal guys. I live out east. And frankly my state is having a hard time bringing any reality to MMJ or otherwise. I am disabled but spent over 18 years as a chef. I can cook with bud in ways some only dream of.

The point I am getting at is I wana move to someplace were I can use my skills. Can anyone suggest any points of contacts to see if there is a want for something like this. Or can point me to any info on what is needed to start my own thing?


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming you mean actual chef, not breeder.

Go back in time 5 years or more then open up your own edibles company, hehe. See: Dixie

Seriously tho, maybe look into the mmj edible companies out here, Dixie already mentioned but there are many others. Before that tho you might wanna look into what it actually takes to work in the industry out here, requirements and whatnot. And it's even more difficult to get your own thing going, esp with the integration model around rec.

BTW, I love cooking with cannabis. Esp concentrates. I love to swap and try new recipes. ;)


Active Member
I am so green to this being a posable business any help is great. I have seen a co. that does 8 hour classes on starting different business they are bassed in Denver. I will search this Dixie and see whats up.


Active Member
Edibles are in demand IMO. Also I've seen some news coverage for marijuana food catering recently. Maybe even consider giving cooking classes? Good Luck!


Active Member
I have reached out to Dixie and sent my resume along with letter of intent. I plan on taking about a week to hit the Area and see whats up. I also wana get in on some investments with openvape and Yes cooking classes would be epic and the rout I am looking to go. FYI I have family that has have been residents for over 15 years now.

BT thanks for the feed back.


Well-Known Member
If you're cooking with bud, you're going to be behind the curve in a state like CO. You're going to need to know things like how to properly and consistently dose your recipes. For example, filling an order of x pieces with 50mg active THC each. You'll need to know how decarboxylation works, how to maximize the conversion of active ingredient in your recipes, how to interpret lab analysis reports to make adjustments, etc.

Not trying to be a downer, just prepare you for what you might not have considered coming from a state with no med laws. Knowing how to make an edible that will wreck someone is the easy part.

Having said that, I don't get the novelty of the edible market. If I didn't want to smoke or vape and instead used edibles regularly, I'd be looking for capsules with the precise dose I wanted in them. Having to eat something like a brownie or whatever to do that seems silly. Would you rather pop a 5mg percocet, or put 5mg of hydrocodone in a cookie?


Well-Known Member
Just to touch on what he said, the infused drinks acttualy work best for me interms of edibles. Next to that, something with a lot coconut oil works best. I make truffels out of pretty much entirely coconut oil and bho) Where as a coconut oil capsule doesn't work so well.


Well-Known Member
MMMM love truffles, anyways the best thing to do is make sure you can get your badge first. if you cant get your badge you cant do anything. not t be a buzz kill but make sure first


Well-Known Member
If you're cooking with bud, you're going to be behind the curve in a state like CO. You're going to need to know things like how to properly and consistently dose your recipes. For example, filling an order of x pieces with 50mg active THC each. You'll need to know how decarboxylation works, how to maximize the conversion of active ingredient in your recipes, how to interpret lab analysis reports to make adjustments, etc.

Not trying to be a downer, just prepare you for what you might not have considered coming from a state with no med laws. Knowing how to make an edible that will wreck someone is the easy part.

Having said that, I don't get the novelty of the edible market. If I didn't want to smoke or vape and instead used edibles regularly, I'd be looking for capsules with the precise dose I wanted in them. Having to eat something like a brownie or whatever to do that seems silly. Would you rather pop a 5mg percocet, or put 5mg of hydrocodone in a cookie?
Agreed BUT percoset is oxycodone so the hydrocodone cookie comparison is a bit apples and oranges. :D
Hey snaps if ur in colorado im thinkin of moving g there. What's the bud market like and could one move there and make it for a while on just plants till I find a real job? Got around 8000$ to bring. Think it can be done?


Well-Known Member
Hey snaps if ur in colorado im thinkin of moving g there. What's the bud market like and could one move there and make it for a while on just plants till I find a real job? Got around 8000$ to bring. Think it can be done?
You can sure give it a good college try. If you have a child you do need to make decisions based on what's best for your family. If you decide to move your going to find funds go fast. I don't know the cost of living where you are at. If your looking for rentals that allow growers it's hard to find. The growers I do know that sling on craigslist say buyers are picky and they have lots of options.
Well ill leave my girl and child here till im established. Rent is like 400 here gas is like 3.50 I would rather work than sling dope and where I am its not legal to grow so what they don't know won't hurt them. ? Of sailing my house here to leave. To small and ready for a change.


Well-Known Member
There's not many jobs in the marijuana industry if that's where you want to work. Those few jobs have many eager applicants.

Cost of living might be higher here, look at cost of living comparisons before you decide where your going.