Check out my First Grow.. PICS!!! Big Bud from seed.


Active Member
Mine is roughly 4 weeks and larger than the three weeks in this...It already has 7 finger leaves... Tie them over, it does wonders....


Well-Known Member
black snow, get that out of the dixie cup. That's why it's so fuckin small...

I just put it in the dixie cup. I think the problem was I waited to long to transplant into the cups. stupid rockwool starter cubes...must have been root bound the first week and i left them in there for 2 more =O

i see them growing by the day now....more lights will be on them next week as well and ill put them into bigger pots also


Active Member
3 weeks? MY FUCKING ASS!!!

I have seedlings that are 3 weeks old and they aren't even close to that size

fucking impossible!

big bud strains have fast growing characteristics, why do you think its called big bud.. my super skunk seeds are only coming up to its second week and is of similar size, which also have the same kind of genetics.


Well-Known Member
I feel the dixie cups are only good for a week or 2...after i transplanted, it exploded...the roots arent in no way hindered from moving around the pot...


Well-Known Member
looking good man!

I had 1 big bud seed but it died. I'll keep a close eye on your grow and a see if I'll get any more big bud.

Keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
When using dixie cups, how long should the seedlings stay in there for?

Im just set up my 400hps yesterday in a 3x3 space.
Can I Start using that right away? or how long do I have to use cfl's?

I have 6 twist 26watt cfl 6500k..

What should I do to get my plants looking all bushy like everyone elses?

I just got my order of seeds yesterday too.. 10 thc bomb seeds!!


Active Member
I transplanted after 1.5 weeks but they were root bound, I think I'll do it after 1 week next time I grow from seed, I'll be cloning these bitches to get a mother thats forsure. As for them being bushy, it might be DNA, this is my first grow, I haven't done anything special, using good nutes, always proper ph, light is close to the plants, I'm doing a 24/0 light schedule right now, I'm gonna switch to 18/6 sometime next week cause I'm gonna flower next monday and don't want em too stressed from the switch. My grow tent has very good ventilation with my 6" Turbine fan.. too good almost its like a vacuum in there. I didn't use CFL's I had a 400w metal halide but I'm building a clone/mother box this weekend and wonder what kind of CFL's I should use for a space about 2' deep - 3.5' wide - 4' tall, or could i just use a regular fluorescent tube?