cheap vaporizers

xSiR ToKeS AlOtx

Active Member
hi i got a manual vapouriser from my local newsagents lol for like £9 which is like $17 i think, and its actually works pretty good but i gotta admit it did take a while to learn how to get it to work but now i know i love it lol and for 8 quid u cant go wrong!!!


Well-Known Member
Whatever you do, do NOT use a lightbulb as a vape... good god.

and why is that
it works
really well
and as long as u clean it right with the salt its perfectly clean
the lightbulb is the cheapest way to do it
and ya i agree it looks like ur smoking crack or something
but still....


Well-Known Member
ya u do have to be careful with it
cause it WILL BUST
and then u got glass shards and shit in ur eyes
and u cant see
and its just a bad thing
make sure u dont get the flame to close to the bulb