Changing the water in the buckets?

I am new to all this and plan to put my seedlings into their baskets in a couple weeks, when I can see the roots through the Rockwool. I plan to follow the guide on the Dyna-Gro plan and therefore will dump my water in each bucket weekly and swap it out for another ready to go bucket all PPMed.
Can I just take the top with the plant off and switch out the bucket each week? Will the plants not like this?

Also, my seedlings are about 3 weeks from first planting them into Rockwool and are still small and just dropped their husks. I have only been using water so far, should I add a bit of rooting compound to the cubes yet? How much should I water them?



Active Member
Yes U Can Just Switch The Lids On The Bucket For Awhile But When The Plant And Roots Get Big Enough You'll Need A Method For Fill And Drain. I Wouldn't Recommend Doing It In Flowering


I don't know anything about rooting compounds for seeds ? you sure ....but I swap lids every week even thoughout flowering .. if no roots are seen thru the bottom of rockwool then you may not want to water for a few days ,rockwool retains water, but too much water and the roots don't go looking for it!!!! should be damp but not drenched....


Well-Known Member
I do it all the time in my dwc buckets. It is sooooooo much easier to just pop the lid, raise the roots and airstone out and drop into new bucket. I use just net pots and collars for the plant and each bucket has 4 small holes drilled into the heavy outside support ring where the handle is mounted that i use with pull to length twist tie. Secure opposite end to mid way up plant trunk and and plant stays very secure, i can just grab a bucket and move it without any worries of plant falling over and no media to spill.


Well-Known Member
Same way as you would with a sinking boat, bail!!! lol

Lift the lid a tiny bit (watch the light), and use a plastic cup to scoop the water one scoop at a time into another bin, then carry that into the toilet!

Carry new water back with one jug on your head, and 2 on a pole across your shoulders.