Changes to renewal forms for Medical Patients


Well-Known Member
I am just going through the renewal paperwork for what was the ACMPR and is now called the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Program and see that the questions regarding who owns the property where you intend to grow now asks if you are the "sole owner". Given that the wife and I own our property together they require her to sign off as being agreeable to me growing. Good thing she is supportive. Other than that the application appears to be unchanged. Are people still getting their new permits back within a few weeks ?


Well-Known Member
Isn't the sole owner question for those intending to be a designated grower?

For example, I live in an apartment building, but do not require their permission.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, that IS a big change... I guess I will need permission from the building owner when I renew next year :(


Well-Known Member
I am still running with my grandfathered mmar, but if I have to move this new shit concerns me.
I think that they hope people forget that you can grow in your primary residence without anyones permission. They must be hoping that no patients can afford take them to court again.
I wonder what Mr Turmel thinks of this situation.


Well-Known Member
upon further review, it is still the same.
If you read section 5a it tells you to skip to section 7 if it is your ordinary residence, thereby bypassing the sections that want the owner information etc...
You are welcome.:bigjoint:
Very confusing, if you are renewing, and there is no change, you need permission? If you make a change, or its a new registration, you do not need permission?


I hope that's a typo they fix before I renew... lol


Well-Known Member
I think they have made a mistake or typo or worded wrong etc. in there.
Bottom line is that you don't need landlord/owner permission if it is your primary residence and you are a patient. You do if you are a DG.
If you are already a registered patient, perhaps you could ask HC for clarification, and let us know what their response is to you.


Well-Known Member
I just got off the phone with our good friends at Health Canada. In fact, the form is wrong. In section 5A - Production Site circled above in yellow on Odam2K's entry it should read : " If selected , skip to Section 7 ". I spent alot of time reading this over and over and could not figure what was wrong with the whole picture. Just another way to make mistakes on a very confusing form..........


Well-Known Member
I just got off the phone with our good friends at Health Canada. In fact, the form is wrong. In section 5A - Production Site circled above in yellow on Odam2K's entry it should read : " If selected , skip to Section 7 ". I spent alot of time reading this over and over and could not figure what was wrong with the whole picture. Just another way to make mistakes on a very confusing form..........
Thank you for taking the time, and for sharing... that's great news...


Well-Known Member
I just got my paperwork back after 8+ weeks as dated by them, it was sent a month before . It is a renewal yet they want the paperwork filled out like it is new. All of the info is the same yet one of the 3 reasons I got it back is because a name wasn't printed above where it was signed ( not a crazy unreadable signature ) Another was I didn't check the box saying it was my primary residence. And the third reason was yet another non important box not being checked.
If they had of glanced at my last years paperwork all 3 reasons would of been clear. I take responsibility for not filling those non important things out, but I can say if they wanna be that crazy about it most people are gonna just say " fuck them, I got my prescription " and just provide themselves their medicine.

Cheers :)