CFL's vs. The Sun


Well-Known Member
I have a plant i started inside then moved outside and then moved back inside.It is just 1 small plant and IMO it grows way better indoors.I dont know why this could be.It was in direct sunlight from sunrise to sunset 12hrs of each.My question is: If you are growing 1 plant is it possible that CFL lighting is just as good and possibly better than sunlight for flowering? or do you think its cuz of the temperature it didnt grow as good outside?Its grttin' cold here in Detroit.


Well-Known Member
It is a wonder you didn't kill the plant outside and you shouldn't put it there anymore. You could bring in pests that will kill it and any other plants in the house.

The plant adjusts to the light source it is used to. If you grew it outside and brought it in then it wouldn't grow under CFL until it adjusted and the other way around.

The problem is that the sun is so bright that usually moving a plant outside from inside will usually kill it because it isn't used to the brightness. Like your first sunburn of the year. You usually have to put it outside in the shade and work itup to full sunlight.

To answer your question, nothing beats the sun or even comes close.


Well-Known Member
well it didnt harm it in any way that i know it continued growing but just not as rapidly...i guess to answer my question id have to know exactly how bright the sun is in october in michigan.......and how bright my CFL's are.......but since we are only having mid 50's for highs lately i thought bringing it inside to the warmth of the grow box would be better for just not sure about it.