CFL's vs 250 or 400w HPS..?


Well-Known Member
I'm currently growing with 8 CFL's: 4 55w, 1 60w, 2 32w, and 2 26w. So, a total of 404 watts, mixed red and blue spectrum. My tent is 36x24x62 I think... something like that.. and I have a 69 CFM intake fan and a 117 CFM exhaust fan.

So... I'm thinking about buying an HPS because I'm tired of needing to figure out how to get light coverage with different height plants that get burnt on the tips. It's just such a hassle... and they get pretty hot.

So, from what I understand, HPS lights offer more light penetration from more of a distance... yes? Would a 250w HPS be a downgrade from my 404w CFL's? Would the 400w get too hot for my tent? Would I need a cool tube reflector for both of these to stay cool (in addition to my 100CFM exhaust fan)?


Well-Known Member
I had the same tent and went the next size up to reduce heat and fit more plants. You'll do fine but a 36 x36x 73 will be cooler


Well-Known Member
I can't get a bigger tent... this tent fills up the closet I'm using. It's plenty big for the 2 plants at a time that I plan on growing. How many watts was the bulb you used? Did it have a cool tube?


Well-Known Member
Get the HPS, man. They are worth it. You'll notice a drastic difference. I still have my first 400 watter and its helped produce many o' pounds for me. Specifically, the 250 watt HPS will need a cool tube in any kind of closet. Air circulation becomes more of an issue when switching to HIDs as well.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
I'd stick to the cfls.

Get a fan blowing on the bulbs so they stay cool. And get a bigger exhaust... I'd say 200+

Problem with hps is, there's only one bulb to worry about.. So if it goes out, you have no light. Wherease if one cfl goes out, you have time to get another one while the others still going. See?


Well-Known Member
Problem with hps is, there's only one bulb to worry about.. So if it goes out, you have no light. Wherease if one cfl goes out, you have time to get another one while the others still going. See?
Except for the fact that he still has some CFLs to back up the HPS if it goes out. :D But hey man, if you get a 250w HPS, why not use it and all of your CFLs? That's most likely what I would do. The more light the better.


Well-Known Member
Comparing to 400w of cfls? And you know what you're doing? No comparison
I disagree. A 250 watt HPS bulb will put off ~24,000 lumens, while CFLs put off 50-70 lm/W (lumens per watt). So let's say he's getting around 60 lm/W; 60x400=24,000 watts. Although these are rough figures, it's going to be pretty close in lumens. The HPS will also beat the hell out of the CFLs come flowering time, because the reds they produce are superior to that of a CFL.


Well-Known Member
Buy a dimmable 400w. Better yet, buy a 600w dimmable, and you can dim it to 75% and 50% (@50%, you'd have 300w, so if heat is an issue, you can turn it down to 300). Also, when you eventually expand, you will have a 600w at your disposal.


Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
I disagree. A 250 watt HPS bulb will put off ~24,000 lumens, while CFLs put off 50-70 lm/W (lumens per watt). So let's say he's getting around 60 lm/W; 60x400=24,000 watts. Although these are rough figures, it's going to be pretty close in lumens. The HPS will also beat the hell out of the CFLs come flowering time, because the reds they produce are superior to that of a CFL.

And the fact that more bulbs equals better coverage? Electricity usage? And the fact that you can have the bulb as close as two inches from the plant for maximum potential?

400w of cfls have more lumens than a 250w HPS. Right off the back I came up with 25,000
But that's dependent on the brand of bulbs, which I looked into the shittiest brands.

Also, if you use a cooltube with the HPS, you lose lumens and light for it has to travel through the glass to get there.. There's no comparison


Well-Known Member
I'd stick to the cfls.

Get a fan blowing on the bulbs so they stay cool. And get a bigger exhaust... I'd say 200+

Problem with hps is, there's only one bulb to worry about.. So if it goes out, you have no light. Wherease if one cfl goes out, you have time to get another one while the others still going. See?
In all my years I have never had a bulb go out on me so that is really something silly to worry about.

Ditch the CFL's and get an HPS. Like others have mentioned, get a dimmable digital ballast. I would go with a 600w that way you can have the option of 300w (50%), 450w(75%), or 600w in case you decide to go bigger. I have 2 600's running and I can get them inches away from the tops without any burning (I use 2 6" Vortex inline fans). Germinating seedlings would be the only thing I would use a cfl for, or maybe as a supplement to an HPS.


New Member
Bygone,I never bothered w/ a cfl. I'd recommend an air cooled hood w/hps but hey,I'm old school


Well-Known Member
$160 for 10w of led?... No thanks!

Okay I guess I will but... First you gotta do the Truffle Shuffle!
$13 per led globe (9.5 w and 10 year warranty) or $72 for a 6 pack. Or 400 watt mag and reflector and Philips allstart cmh $160 total 1400 umole/s. Or a51 sgs 160 led (155w) 1200 umole/s $500 (lifetime warranty).

watts are irrelevant. Its about par and spectral output. A 600w Ushio hps puts out 1100 umole/s at 12 inches away. A 330 watt allstart cmh puts out 1400 umole/s at same distance. Higher par better results.


Well-Known Member
Ok say I guess it's pretty safe to say that a 250w HPS would be a downgrade? Well... A dimmable 600w would be ideal but I'm really trying to get the best bang for my buck and am finding a pretty big price difference between the 400 and the 600. I'm just afraid 600 will be WAYY too much and I don't have a way of making my grow space bigger/better ventilated any time soon.

To give an idea, here is my tent filling up my closet:

I have a window ac unit about a foot away from it to the left in the pic and plenty of room for airflow on the top and side where the vents are, so my tent stays a steady 76 degrees lights on and 68-70 lights off. I have to keep the door open for the most part with the lights on to keep that temp (obviously since the closet isnt ventilated). I'm just really worried about heat and am afraid I won't be able to keep temps down with a 600w or 400w... :/