CFL's making you blind


Well-Known Member
I didn't do a full search on the forum for this question so don't yell at me if it was already asked.
Do you do any harm to your eyes by looking at your CFL's? I have four 42W and sometimes after staring into my cab for a while my eyes hurt a little bit and I get those spots all over. I'm just wondering if you can actually do any permanent damage by looking at the lights? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Wear sunglasses? I don't think it would do permanent damage, but that's just an assumption based on nothing.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
TRY staring at an HPS light... yikes...

I don't think it is a good idea to stare at the lights.. stresses the eye..

even when i am in Time Square at night my eyes feel stressed


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I got a pair of cheep-o sunglasses from wal-mart (Supposed to be 100% Uv proof) but they help a lot. i never get the spots sometimes im in my cab like 15-20mins just tinkering or staring at my plants sometimes


Well-Known Member
A good tip to find cheap but effective sun glasses is to hit the fishing section. Polorized sun glasses are big in fishing, and they sell them for cheap.


Well-Known Member
I also have to wear sunglasses. My eyes are sensitive to light to begin with. Looking into my cab is like the surface of the sun.


Well-Known Member
I bought a pare of sunglasses for about $16 there not to dark and yet not to light so i can see what I'm doing easly


Well-Known Member
TRY staring at an HPS light... yikes...

I don't think it is a good idea to stare at the lights.. stresses the eye..

even when i am in Time Square at night my eyes feel stressed
cool..... ;) Would love to stand in Time Square :D Never in my life....

CFL's are ok.... but an hps is the worst to look at ^^